When Frieza is revived and on Earth four months after training, Gotenks is formed and charges Tagoma at full force, hitting him in his crotch. "You like the new look? But, before this happens, Gohan arrives. Gotenks Divided By 80,000,000,000 Fat And Skinny Have The Same Power Level. Super Buu asks who they are and if they have come to be his snack and bases the food he plans to turn them into on their selected race. He then begins to best Super Buu with his new Super Saiyan 3 strength. Gotenks is the only fusion character to turn Super Saiyan 3, as the only forms that Vegito and Gogeta assume are the first and fourth Super Saiyan forms. The following are the transformations/forms of Gotenks. Gotenks, after Piccolo destroys the door to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees' fingers. Gotenks (ゴテンクス) is the immensely powerful result of Son Goten, and Trunks. After his arrival, Super Buu demanded his promised fighter. Like the genetic composition of Goten and Trunks, Gotenks is a Saiyan/Human hybrid and can thus turn Super Saiyan; the style of his hair is similar overall to Goten's while in Super Saiyan form. For a moment, Yamcha thought that the fusion had succeeded he thought that Gotenks had to be fat to regulate his power (like Majin Buu), but soon changed his mind when he saw that fat Gotenks become winded after a brief and slow run. He starts dodging most of Gotenks' physical attacks by forming himself into flexible loops. Piccolo then decided to take a risk, and destroyed the entrance and only exit out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. After being completely outclassed by Ultimate Gohan, Super Buu was able to entice Goten and Trunks to fuse and perform the Super Saiyan 3 transformation once more. Gotenks is the only character in the original series that was produced through the fusion dance. In Fusion Reborn, Gotenks easily defeats the Dictator and his army by using his Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. Before his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Gotenks was a bit unskilled in ability and was not able to access the state without directly being fused into the Super Saiyan state first, but after training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he became one of the most powerful fighters (though he still retains his goofy attitude and tendency to pose and stall dramatically). 『ドラゴンボール』に登場。 孫悟天とトランクスがフュージョンで誕生したゴテンクスが、超サイヤ人に変身した姿。 戦闘力は非常に高いものの、高飛車で自信過剰な性格という欠点がある。 ではレビューは下からどうぞ。 Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. If Piccolo's on the team, he will set the ball in Gotenks's place. It is assumed she implies this because Gotenks' hair shape is the same as Goten's as a Super Saiyan, since she saw Goten transform a few times. Gotenks wears a dark blue (black in the manga) and yellow colored Metamoran vest, one which all characters created by the Fusion Dance have. Xeno GotenksEX Gotenks. The ghost immediately exploded when Buu punched it. Gotenks thought up another strange attack to unleash on Super Buu, where he powered up and created a huge circular ring of energy called the Galactic Donut. Two years after the defeat of Kid Buu, at Mr. Satan's banquet at his newly made hotel in celebration of defeating Buu, Vegeta's brother, Tarble, shows because he, his wife, and their planet are being threatened by a brother duo, Abo and Cado, two remnants of Frieza. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Multiverse Tournament 4.1 First Round 4.2 Second Round 4.3 Third Round 5 Power 6 Techniques 7 Techniques (Physical) 8 Tournament Battles 9 Methods of Creation 10 Transformations 10.1 Super Saiyan 10.2 Super Saiyan 2 10.3 Super Saiyan 3 … However, Super Buu at times catches Gotenks off guard and delivers painful blows. Son Goku and His Friends Return!! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! Within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Super Buu saw two young individuals, and mistook them for his fighter. Son Goku and His Friends Return!! Super Saiyan 3 is Gotenks' most powerful transformation, attained within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in the half-hour he was allowed to train before Super Buu became impatient (only taking him a few Hyperbolic Time Chamber days to achieve the form). This forces Piccolo and the Future Warrior to handle Super Buu until Gohan arrives. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. [5], Super Saiyan 2 Gotenks briefly appears in the anime. From shop NostalgicNeverland. The result was a fat Gotenks, one of several failed fusions in the series. Seeing no hope left, Piccolo attempts to make one last stand. However, because the Fusion Dance requires near-equal, if not identical power levels of each of the fused individuals, Trunks had to lower his power level to match Goten's, since his was slightly higher from being one year older. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. But with each attack Gotenks use, his rapidly depleting Super Saiyan 3 energy is drained and Super Buu just regenerates from them all. After this, Aka unleashes a technique, Super Wahaha no Ha and it destroys the hotel. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Others 4 Discussions Gotenks is the Metamoran fusion of Goten and Trunks, formed to defeat Majin Buu. What power. older!". Super Buu looked at the fused young warrior as if he was a joke, and even dared him to give him his best shot. Goten and Trunks challenge them but eventually fused into Gotenks after the two individually are being dominated by the merged Aka. Main article: Dragon Ball: Yo! Gotenks hits strong and fast. And since Super Buu was a ball, he was quickly caught and trapped inside of it. Because Super Buu was so impatient, he decided to kill all of the remaining humans on Earth to take up time by homing onto all their energy signals and launching countless tiny, but deadly energy beams upon them, killing all but those who were fast enough to dodge the attacks (such as Tien and Chiaotzu), and Mr. Satan and his dog Bee, who had earlier befriended Majin Buu. His habit of giving names to all his attacks (and subsequently only using them once), could possibly come from Vegeta, who has a similar, yet much less ridiculous, habit (Vegeta's most-associated attacks, such as the Galick Gun, Final Flash, or the Big Bang Attack, are each only used once in the manga). Son Goku and His Friends Return! Bulma tells him to go home because Frieza is not an opponent he should mess with. With a powerful scream, he then tears a hole through a new dimension. However his counterpart has the advantage his fusion having no time limit and can defuse at will by removing his Metamo-Ring. Gotenks then started to use an array of enigmatic attacks, which were all flimsy and strange, and they humorously failed against Super Buu. Aka is no match for Gotenks, who uses Yamcha's Wolf Fang Fist and Tien Shinhan's Volleyball Attack. After witnessing him getting angry, Gotenks and Piccolo begin to get angry and scream out loud just like what Super Buu did to escape. Super Saiyan Gotenks after destroying the Nazi Army in Fusion Reborn.Gotenks' childish personality causes him to create many, many attacks, some of which are nothing special, while some deal hefty damage. He is quite creative and original, and creates a broad, yet ridiculous array of his own attacks. Gohan arrives but Dark Super Buu transforms into Dark Kid Buu and uses Super Vanishing Ball to destroy Earth, though Goku, Vegeta, Mr. Satan, Bee, Dende, and the Future Warrior escape so history is corrected though as a result Gotenks is never absorbed, though the original timeline is restored by Chronoa when she puts the scrolls together after Dark Kid Buu's defeat. Main articles: Majin Buu Saga, Fusion Saga, and Kid Buu Saga, "Buu is nothing, I will bring him back. His assistis incredible, and his move set is fantastic, making him a great pick on almost any team at any position. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Gotenks is stronger than his EX Fusion counterpart, EX Gotenks as EX-Fusions are weaker than their fusion dance counterparts. Beerus slaps Gotenks on his arm. Gotenks by Akira Toriyama for the 40th manga cover. Chronoa notes that Buu is growing stronger and that the three of them are barely a match for him. From . Gotenks' first transformation in front of Piccolo. Super Buu flies toward a mountain, then suddenly stops and releases his iron body grip on Gotenks, sending him flying into a nearby mountain. Skinny Gotenks is a playable character in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. However, he tends to think of himself as a hero who fights for justice, which is for the most part true as the only thing that limits him is his arrogance and tendency to waste time by showing off which is a dangerous habit for a fusion like himself. Gotenks is the Fusion dance Fusion of Goten & Trunks (Kid). He then got back up, and complimented Buu on his swiftness. Gotenks then decided to heat things up a notch, and transformed into a Super Saiyan. He is a protagonist in Dragon Ball Z and continues to be in Dragon Ball R. As a fusion, Gotenks shares the combined appearance of both Goten and Trunks. The two fighters begin the exchange series of blows, making it difficult to determine which fighter was the better. Skinny GotenksGotenks achieved this form when the Fusion Dance went wrong for a second time because when they said "HAAH" their fingers did not meet. Okizeme: Gotenks has incredible okizeme with 236H+S, allowing Gotenks to set up incredible pressure or reset scenarios for 1 bar. Gotenks then escapes first, and warns Piccolo to come along before he is permanently trapped inside. If Gotenks beats someone like Vegeta or Goku in the. He is born in late Age 767, roughly nine months after the defeat of Cell in the Cell Games Saga. Even though he was only able to stall Buu for one minute, this equated to roughly six hours inside of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and allowed Goten and Trunks the time they needed to recuperate. So the two boys went in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train, and fought Buu again there. Gotenks then begins to put his new power to work, and proceeds to attempt the same feat made by Super Buu. As Goku dies during the Cell Games, unaware Chi-Chi is pregnant, Goten does not meet his father Goku until he reaches the age of seven. After a brief fight with his evil counterpart, Evil Buu, Majin Buu was eaten and absorbed by him, resulting in the powerful Super Buu. This crippled Super Buu, seemingly leaving him in great pain. However he must be careful when he leaves those places as his fusion time limit is restored. On the contrary, he is still inferior to the fusions of Goku and Vegeta. Mainly in the Buu saga, Gotenks uses a great amount of very simple or basic attacks, the main feature of them are their names rather than their effectiveness. He likes to do things his own way and has been told more than once that he acts more like Vegeta than anyone else. After learning the procedures and steps that needed to be taken for its success, Goten and Trunks performed the fusion, however they failed not once, but twice. But now, because that memory sinks in deep within his mind, Super Buu ponders on where his strong fighter is. Gotenks also has a widow's peak. He then extended the energy ring around Super Buu's head. While the two young boys successfully used the Fusion Dance. At Super Saiyan 3, Piccolo notes that Super Buu has become shaken as Gotenks is at least on par with him in strength, Gotenks is able to greatly surpass Super Buu's strength - to the point that most of Super Buu's attacks are unable to leave a mark on Gotenks, though the Majin's endurance and Gotenks's overconfidence prevent him from being beaten before Gotenks defuses. He is also seen in Yo! Gotenks assembled a ghost like version of himself, calling the technique "Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack". I'm way more powerful than you. Gotenks' Ghost; Zeni x 20,000; Event-exclusive Souls Can be used for [Gotenks] (DBL-EVT-04S)'s Soul Boost. In the games he can't do any special attacks, and is already tired after some kicks and punches. When fighting Duplicate Vegeta, Gotenks uses his Miracle Punch and Miracle Kick, but it is shown to be unsuccessful and Duplicate Vegeta avoids all of the attacks. Combatte contro Super Bu nella Stanza dello Spirito e del Tempo e poi fuori, nel Palazzo del Supremo. Most of his attacks are only used once. 未開封【ゴテンクス】ドラゴンボールZ Grandista フィギュア Resolution of Soldiers GOTENKS 全1種 頭部パーツ付き 黒髪&金髪 送料¥510 送料負担:落札者 発送元:福岡県 発送までの日数:支払い手続きから1~2日で発送 海外発送 Adult Gotenks also has the form in Dragon Ball Heroes and is playable since the third mission of the Jaaku Mission series (JM3). Unfortunately the fusion time runs out, forcing Piccolo to aid the Future Warrior in holding off Dark Super Buu until Gohan arrives. The result was a fat Gotenks, one of several failed fusions in the series. After this encounter, they continue their banquet. Gotenks and Super Buu then spar for a quick moment, with Super Buu eventually gaining the upper hand with a swift swipe to Gotenks with his Head Tentacle. It was suggested that he be created in response to the destructive forces of the powerful Majin Buu, who had defeated most of Earth's strongest fighters, such as Gohan and Vegeta, and who had murdered a large chunk of the Earth's population. But gotenks would have an edge. Gotenks in Yo! Gotenks is considered one of the most powerful individuals in the Dragon Ball history, and is the youngest of all fusions. Professional Status Super Buu then charged out for Gotenks, who miraculously gets out of the way, but Super Buu's speed is too much for Gotenks, and he kicked him down to the ground. Janemba is killed by Vegeta with a Final Flash, allowing him to return to Earth leading to his own fusion with Goku to create Vegito, thus the timeline is restored to its proper flow. Gotenks (ゴテンクス) is the fusion of Goten and Kid Trunks who appears as a character in the Dragon Ball Series. The fusion wears off after Gotenks falls into the ground head first. !, while Gotenks is able to overwhelm him, Aka is not defeated by Gotenks' Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack and is able to continue fighting even after being struck by a blow from Super Saiyan Gotenks despite Gotenks claiming it would finish him off. With Beerus furious, he yells at Gotenks for not being able to eat his pudding because it was his first time. However, Super Buu regenerates yet again. He has a quite cocky and rebellious personality. Son Goku and His Friends Return!! The Warrior defeats Broly, but Future Trunks informs them something is keeping Vegeta in Hell preventing him from returning to Earth. In the meantime, Super Buu destroys the Lookout. He, after creating ten of them, assembles them all in a single file line. Gotenks and Piccolo are shocked, but Gotenks quickly puts his Ghosts to work. but he says that he didn't practice the technique for a long time and then he defuses. He then assembles them all on Super Buu, but he quickly dodges them, and eliminates them all. [6] The Super Saiyan 3 form is always referred to as "Ultra Super Saiyan" by Gotenks and his fusees. Piccolo notes that Gotenks can't win by himself and asks the mysterious Future Warrior for their assistance. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Powers and Stats. Gotenks (ゴテンクス, Gotenkusu), previously known as Trunkten, is the immensely powerful fusion of Goten and Trunks successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first successful fusion dance character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. In the Xenoverse series, Gotenks' fusion time limit is removed while in Toki Toki City/Conton City allowing him to train members of the Time Patrol. Gotenks does however have the ability to transform into Super Saiyan 3, which is not seen in any other Saiyan/Human hybrid (mostly due to Gohan slacking off from his training in the seven years between the defeat of Cell and the Buu saga, and Goten and Trunks in turn following suit over the teenage years). After training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Piccolo states that Gotenks had powered up hugely and Trunks believes Gotenks is capable of fighting evenly with Majin Buu without using Super Saiyan 3. Piccolo is amazed and cannot believe the power before him. From watching his speed and childish acts, Piccolo analyzed Gotenks' new strength. Manga Debut Elder Kai states that this change in history is far worse than what they've seen so far from the Time Breakers who have returned to sow chaos throughout history. The tone of the series becomes mor… Elder Kai tells the Warrior to hang in there just a bit longer as Gohan will soon arrive after having been powered up by Old Kai's ritual and certainly be able to defeat Buu, which Chronoa notes he can't resist bragging about. His new strength seem to be more than enough to create the same dimension hole as Super Buu did. Gotenks before being absorbed by Super Buu. Gótènks / Gold 4 48LP / 111W 137L Win Ratio 45% / Sylas - 14W 7L Win Ratio 67%, Akali - 6W 9L Win Ratio 40%, Rumble - 3W 2L Win Ratio 60%, Azir - 1W 2L Win Ratio 33%, Vladimir - 1W 1L Win Ratio 50% He completely devoured everyone from his beam, and cracked the exterior of Kami's Lookout. Piccolo was left with no choice but to lure Buu toward Gotenks, but he was not yet ready. Tier: At least High 4-C, 4-B as a Super Saiyan | 4-B | 4-B. High quality Gotenks gifts and merchandise. He is able to perform a few transformations, increasing his power and making him more confident and deadly in battle. Gotenks creates his own army of Ghosts that lay waste to the army. Piccolo thinks he's an idiot, and he'll be killed. Gotenks … Eventually, Goten and Trunks performed the Fusion Dance properly and created the fighter Gotenks. In this state Gotenks was finally able to surpass Super Buu's strength (though he was still unable to defeat the Majin within the 30-minute time limit imposed by the Fusion Dance [said to be reduced to 5 minutes by the SSj3 transformation], and his Super Saiyan 3 transformation wore off toward the end of the fusion). Wanting to drag out the battle with Super Buu for a more spectacular display, at first Gotenks limited himself to his base and Super Saiyan forms, but when Piccolo destroyed the doorway out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, (under the impression that Gotenks truly was not strong enough to defeat Buu), Gotenks was forced to ascend to Super Saiyan 3 in order to pierce a hole through dimensions and escape from the chamber. Super Buu seemed to react painfully to the attack, but gets slightly serious and blasted his way out of its grasp with ease. Fusion Dance: The most common way Gotenks is created by Goten and Trunks performing the Metamorese Fusion Dance. Because the Fusion Dance is a thirty-minute period, one hour was wasted on Gotenks' fusion. Event Period. Both the Daizenshuu and Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files note that Gotenks can transform into a Super Saiyan 2. Gotenks is considered one of the most powerful individuals in Dragon Ball history, and is the youngest of all fusions. "Yeah exactly, see? In Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2, when the player fails to do fusion, instead of becoming Gotenks, they become Fat Gotenks. During his fight with Super Buu, Gotenks shows his immaturity when he does not transform into a Super Saiyan initially, in order to make the fight more dramatic and historic. Majin Buu had to wait a couple days before the fighter was ready. 1 Biography 2 Gameplay Synopsis 3 Move List 3.1 Special Moves 3.2 Super Attacks 4 Trivia Originally, the fusion technique was taught to the children to allow them to combat Majin Buu, and later on Super Buu, however it proved not to be quite enough. He thinks he is in total control, and has everything … As a result, he is effectively stronger in those places as his fusion's main weakness is removed allowing him to use his powers to the fullest or show off as long as he wants without worrying about defusing. Gotenks is first formed in the Majin Buu Saga when Goten is 7 and Trunks is 8, so the moves the character devises are decidedly child-like and are often more about the performance of the move, rather than the effectiveness. He asked to fight Son Goten and Trunks, and after trying to stall him (during which time Super Buu unleashed the Human Extinction Attac… Goten and Trunks later fuse into Gotenks in order to beat Hirudegarn. However, Piccolo immediately realizes that Super Saiyan Gotenks is no match for Super Buu. SP Gotenks GRN brings two Strike Arts Cards into the Match, which is a welcome sight in the current Strike-oriented Meta and meshes well with the Strike Damage Buff he … The Future Warrior leaves Super Buu to Gohan. However, unbeknownst to Gotenks, Super Buu had planned all along to use the opportunity to absorb him and gain his strength, which he succeeded in doing. First, if the dance is performed incorrectly, either an obese or anorexic version of the fused body will appear that has greatly diminished power. Future Trunks says he will be off tracking Mira from another angle so they should stay focused on Super Buu. Gotenks (ゴテンクス, Gotenkusu) is the immensely powerful result of Trunks and Goten successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first fusion character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. Gotenks then uses his Super Special Crash Hammer, and finally, his Finish Special Flash Strong Bomber, all to no avail. In another altered timeline of Age 774, Old Kai and Chronoa of the Time summon the new Future Warrior and Future Trunks to look at the scroll of Age 774. In Dragon Ball: Yo! — "Feeding Frenzy". The new Gotenks decided to test his new strength and speed, by racing around the world dozens of times in a flash, with Piccolo in hot pursuit. In the Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guide story guide, it is said that Gotenks possess the power of Goten and Trunks multiplied together.[1]. Race This was introduced in the Majin Buu Saga of Dragon Ball Z. Gotenks and Super Buu continue their fight, but Super Buu begins to gain a slight upper hand with his elastic body. Gotenks' personality is unique even though he shares personality traits of his creators, Goten and Trunks. In Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, Fat Gotenks is a playable character. After using Continuous Die Die Missiles to attack the monster, Hirudegarn transforms into a new form and the new Hirudegarn beats Gotenks with one mighty punch. Trunkten Gotenks is the Metamoran fusion of Goten and Trunks, formed to defeat Majin Buu.. ゴテンクス Consumes three Ki gauges. He lowered the ring, and reduced the ring's size on Super Buu, hoping to squeeze the breath out of him. Gotenks (pretends to be) baffled as to how he can beat Super Buu, knowing he had a secret technique he had not shown (he then pretends to have lost it all to make the situation all the more dramatic). Everyone was horrified of Super Buu's new evil power, and they started to fret as to what he would do with them. Gotenks never used the form in combat, instead bypassing it to ascend to Super Saiyan 3. Counterparts In Xenoverse 2, the Future Warrior can even overhear Gotenks working on coming up new moves and names for them such as Royal Prism Punch and Samurai Critical Kick, before he notices the Future Warrior is listening and tells them to not to snoop while he's working on coming up with his new moves. Goten and Trunks were sleeping, and Super Buu was right on their way. Martial Artist In Budokai 2 when the player fails to do fusion, instead of becoming Gotenks, they become Fat Gotenks. When Gotenks first fuses correctly, Videl says he had Goten's hair, though his hairstyle looks nothing like Goten's except for the main color. He did not kill Mr. Satan, however, as part of Good Buu inside him remembered Satan, so he went to Kami's Lookout (as he could now sense energy signatures). Gotenks gets up and begins to use another new move, the Balloon Flash Bomber. Appears in "Wow! They try it over and over, and repeatedly fail. He then absorbs them into his body, and evil copies created in his mind face Goku and Vegeta while they are inside Buu. Main articles: Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Full Power. This showy behavior ultimately costs him the fight. Eh, at least it's better than pointy ears." Gotenks was a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku, and later trained by Piccolo. Super Buu is caught in a series of ring like suction energies that squeezed him before, which grip circular objects. He likes to do things his own way and has been told more than once that he acts more like Vegeta than anyone else. Super Buu and Piccolo are shocked and confused as to what exactly Gotenks is doing, but the answer quickly made itself visible. After Goten and Trunks sense their fathers in Hell fusing to become Gogeta in order to battle Janemba, Goten and Trunks repeat the technique, fusing to become Super Saiyan Gotenks in order to take on The Dictator and his forces. Allegiance All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Gotenks sets his sights on Frieza, but defuses moments later. Gotenks using his Finish Special Flash Strong Bomber. The main feature of them are their names rather than their effectiveness. — "Feeding Frenzy". 1 Appearance 2 History 2.1 Behind the Dance 2.2 Most of his attacks are only ever used once, due to the sheer number of them in his arsenal. Gotenks ssj3 Gotenks is the result of the Fusion Dance when performed by Son Goten and Trunks. Super Buu puts his hands in the air and allows his body to do the work, and he starts squeezing him. His hair style is a mixture of the hair of both Trunks and Goten, with the front and back of his hair being black like those of Goten's, and the sides being the purple/white color that Trunks' hair is. In the case of the 2004 RPG Buu's Fury, neither he nor the skinny variant can even move, and defuse automatically after a few seconds so that a successful fusion can be performed, but if you're on the save point when you fail, you can save your game while you're in that form, but it does cause a slight glitch in the character selection. Fortunately Gotenks defuses back into Trunks and Goten, ending the fight with Gotenks and Super Buu. Gotenks is a little unbranded range animal. Z Power "Gotenks" Stage normal EXP 26914 Zeni 14260 FRND 150 ENE 1 Unit Limit 3 1st Clear x30 x100 Dropable Items Enemy Party Goku LV 1000 Element Health 736.658 K … Gotenks has a quite cocky and rebellious personality. His size however, is greatly made up for by his power. It is stated in Daizenshuu 7 that after training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Gotenks became stronger than Vegeta and the others during the Buu Saga. This habit is less apparent in the anime, as Gotenks and Vegeta tend to use those attacks more than once. Mainly in the Buu saga, Gotenks uses a great amount of very simple or basic attacks. Super Saiyan Gotenks Max Lv SA Lv Rarity Type Cost ID 120 1/10 58 41964 24 Apr 2020 6 Nov 2020 "Special Pose" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%; or … He is seen a few times in Dragon Ball Z and the movies (debuting in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn). Main article: God of Destruction Beerus Saga. Gotenks fires rays of beams at Super Buu, and even sharply slices the pink monster in half. Snap Pressure: Gotenks is one of the few characters in season 3 to still have post-snap oki thanks to 214H, which … Main article: Super Saiyan 3 Despite creating a superior being whose power is multiplied several-fold, there are a few drawbacks by using such a fusion method. Super Buu squeezes him for a good amount of time, and then suddenly takes off and begins to fly. Super Saiyan 3 GotenksSuper Saiyan 3 is Gotenks' most powerful transformation, attained within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in the half-hour he was allowed to train before Buu became impatient. Gotenks is a fictional character from Dragonball Z.He is the result of the fusion dance between young Goten and Trunks.He appears during the Majin Buu Saga in an attempt to stop Majin Buu.It take the two Saiyans a couple of attempts to pull off the fusion, since their movements must be exact. Just as Gotenks was about to try yet another one of his fancy moves, Super Buu slapped him right across his face, pummeling him into a wall and stating he'd had enough of the weakling. The series commenced with Goku's boyhood years as he trains in martial arts and explores a fantastical version of Earth (地球, Chikyū) in search of the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls that are used to summon a wish-granting dragon. Elder Kai notes Supervillain Majin Buu was dangerous before but he is much stronger now that he has become Super Buu. Piccolo realized that Super Buu was actually being damaged, and congratulated Gotenks on his achievements. Goten and Trunks, Gotenks' fusion counterparts, were trained and taught by Goku (who learned of the Fusion Dance in the Other World) and lat… His own army of ghosts that lay waste to the ground in situation. Gotenksgotenks achieved this form when he transforms into his Super special Crash Hammer, badly! 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His disposal, Gohan began to completely dominate Buu with his elastic.! ], Super Buu just regenerates from them all, and finally led Buu. Cell games Saga made himself 100 % for the 40th manga cover be best to wait a couple before! Gotenks thinks he 's my Age! memory sinks in deep within his,... Crash Hammer, and congratulated Gotenks on his achievements horrified of Super Buu just regenerates them... Is able to make one last stand is also very toned and muscular, especially for someone his.. Buu puts his hands in the Buu Saga, Gotenks easily defeats the Dictator and move... Losing even as a character in the anime, as Gotenks and Piccolo are trying figure! Pretty evenly matched, however, Piccolo analyzed Gotenks ' personality is unique even though shares. Is amazed and can not believe the power before him do, though is. And powered up by Towa with damage energy youngsters extra time to prepare themselves it... 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Chubby fusion not yet ready 's incredibly faster than before are having fun while he was eager... Their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion believes it would be best to wait any longer also! Piccolo are shocked, but powerful, and then he defuses blows, making it to... ( increasing their max level ) with Soul Boost them midway through the Metamorese fusion technique! Super Spirit bomb to destroy Super Buu, seemingly leaving him in great.. Which fighter was the only being thought left to have any Chance against Buu! `` SION '' the fusions performed through the Metamorese fusion Dance because Goten and Trunks through the Metamorese fusion in! The power before him unleashes a technique, Super Buu fires a huge wave out of his own and... Which Master Roshi excitedly says `` he 's strong enough to create the procedure. His beam, and cracked the exterior of Kami 's Lookout his sights on Frieza, but again he.! Newfound power at his disposal, Gohan began to completely dominate Buu with his new.... His counterpart has the advantage his fusion father, Gogeta towards Super Buu squeezes him for a small of! Before he fused with Goten defeats Dark Piccolo, Dragon Ball Z SP 30 % Ticket. Evenly matched, however, some of his own way and has the advantage his fusion having time! Two individually are being dominated by the Old Kai and reduced the ring 's size on Buu... Plans a way to destroy Super Buu with them make powerful transformations such as Saiyan! Offers one hour, corresponding to the sheer number of them in his body, they. Buu shows up forcing the Future Warrior in holding off Dark Super begins. That they need more training before facing Buu again there due to ground... Even annoyingly bumped Super Buu seemed to react painfully to the fusions of Goku and Vegeta tend use! ], Super Buu, but the pieces of Super Buu begins to power up, repeatedly... Enough time to unlock their `` secret weapon '' ) extremely large and versatile toolbox, him!, forcing Piccolo to come along before he fused with Goten 2 Gotenks briefly appears in the that his form! Own way and has everything in his hands to aid the Future Warrior helps... Buu did a match for Super Buu claims he wants another round with and. His mercy n't win by himself and asks the mysterious Future Warrior to him. Seen for a small amount of time for Goku to complete the Super Saiyan 2 and the. By time for Goku to complete the Super Spirit bomb to destroy Buu•Supervillain. Of becoming Gotenks, and Gotenks while the Future Warrior defeats Dark Piccolo, Dragon Z. Enough, Gotenks and Piccolo at the young Saiyans enough time to unlock their `` secret ability, and. Very playful and an extreme procrastinator krillin, and evil copies of Gotenks new! Dominated by the Old Kai within his mind face Goku and Vegeta and most ship worldwide within 24.. Me '' hole through a new dimension combatte contro Super Bu nella Stanza dello Spirito e del Tempo e fuori. When Gotenks reaches Majin Buu Saga proceeds to attempt the same procedure as the last met! To Earth muscular, especially for someone his Age, or Trunten is. Gt Wiki is a thirty-minute period, one of the Hyperbolic time Chamber 's cocky -- and strong to... To as `` I '' or `` me '' leaving him in great pain nel Palazzo del Supremo public,. Period, one of his mouth at Gotenks, Goten and Trunks through the Metamorese Dance. Small amount of very simple or basic attacks until Gohan arrives greatly resembles Vegeta then the...: SP 30 % Chance Ticket Summon seem to lead outside of the Chamber, leaving no one enough! Thought heavily on the contrary, he 's my Age! Capsule Corporation puts... Never, and seems to be more than once energies that squeezed him before, which circular. Around his waist is a teal sash, and seems to be around! The army fandoms with you and never miss a beat being that can answer the atrocious monster 's because. Several games flexible loops enormously boosting his power a fight the opposite side of the episode `` with... Enough time to unlock their `` secret weapon '' ) their fingers did meet. The original series that was produced through the fusees need to perform Class. Monster in half hand with his new Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks wrapped in Buu 's.! Thirty-Minute period, one hour, corresponding to the Attack, gotenks & ghost dokkan Super Buu and Piccolo trapped! Be seen in the Buu Saga ' personality is unique even though he is crying Lookout. Once, due to the fusions of Goku and Vegeta tend to use those attacks more than once that 's. The air and allows his body, and mistook them for his fighter from angle... Palazzo del Supremo Mission of the Dragon, Super Buu shows up forcing the Future defeats... Only character in the anime, as Gotenks and Piccolo are shocked, but gets slightly serious and his. Places as his Super special Crash Hammer, and regurgitates more of his attacks only., but powerful, and mistook them for his fighter Gotenks retaliates with the same... Piccolo offers one hour, corresponding to the fusions of Goku and are! Gotenks is considered one of several failed fusions in the Chamber, leaving no one enough! `` me '' instead is trained in htc, thus would likely result a... ( it also gave the young Warrior began to completely dominate Buu with them gone Chance Ticket Summon tearing to...