For reference , the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics was used to compare my findings regarding the appearance, solubility and density of these two elements to the standard accepted findings. Available in its traditional print format, the Handbook is also available as an innovative interactive product on DVD and online. 204. A short summary of this paper. Handbook-of-Chemistry-and-Physics. I finally understand what lactose intolerance is. Proudly serving the scientific community for over a century, this 95th edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is an update of a classic reference, mirroring the growth and direction of science. Copy a citation. First, solubility was tested for each element in several different solvents (water, mineral oil, alcohol, potassium iodide and HCl (3M). Premium PDF Package. The apparatus were used for fluid thermophysical property measurements at low and high temperatures and at extreme pressures; and for the development of empirical and theoretical models for the prediction of fluid properties. This paper. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics A Ready-Reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data Editor-in-Chief David R. Lide, Ph.D. Former Director, Standard Reference Data National Institute of Standards and Technology ^•-~"w"~*-'*»