Simmer gently for a few mins and pass through a fine strainer. Moist liquid component served with the dish. It is a basic sauce, of which there are five, and each family of sauces is derived from its basic sauce.In Bechamel’s case, milk is used to create a basic cream sauce known as bechamel.. It is a basic sauce, of which there are five, and each family of sauces is derived from its basic sauce.In Bechamel’s case, milk is used to create a basic cream sauce known as bechamel.. Sauce Ivoire: To one-litre sauce supreme, add three-tbs. Later, French chef Auguste Escoffier added one more sauce so that there were now five “mother sauces,” which he codified in recipe form in Le Guide Culinaire in 1903. The word mole, which comes from the Nahuatl word for sauce, can be used to describe any number of thick, chilli-based sauces.Black, red, yellow, and green moles are all common. ; Espagnole sauce: Brown sauce based on a brown stock reduction, and thickened with brown roux. A velouté is a simple sauce made from butter, flour, and stock. It’s a simple combination of roux with any kind of light stock—chicken, fish or vegetable. It's delicious served with meat, poultry, and fish. * Bchamel * Espagnole * Hollandaise * Mayonnaise * Tomato sauce * Velout. Mother Sauce # 5. Rich brown color and is served with meats. iRubric Z2WCA5W: Use the internet to research the 5 French mother sauces and their derivatives.. Free rubric builder and assessment tools. Image Guidelines 5. Velouté:. A velouté sauce is one of five mother sauces. Moisten with vinegar, & marinade and reduce by 2/3. A bechamel sauce is a Mother Sauce, which is where all sauces originate from. The sauce is named so as in earlier times ‘a la hollandaise’ indicated a dish served with melted butter—a reflection of the importance of butter in Dutch cookery. The poster included short descriptions of each sauce base, classical flavourings, common secondary sauces and also the classical food pairings of each… 35 min. MOTHER SAUCES . Sauce Remoulade: To mayonnaise add and mix in Mustard, chopped gherkins, chopped capers, parsley tarragon and chervil and some anchovy essence. Daughter Sauces from Espagnole Base: veal stock + flour + browned bones + beef or veal + vegetables The most-involved to make of the mother sauces is the meatiest and its derivatives number in the dozens (if not hundreds, if you take into account modern variations). It's also the starting point for making the traditional Spanish sauce, Creole sauce, Portuguese sauce or Provençale sauce. Brown Sauce Derivatives (Demi-Glace) Bordelaise - Red Wine Reduction / Poached Marrow Chasseur - Mushroom / Shallot / White Wine / Tomato concass Lyonnaise - Onions fried in butter Madeira - Madeira Wine Prigueux - Chopped Truffles / Madeira Robert - White Wine / Onions / Mustard / Butter. Hollandaise sauce is unlike the mother sauces we've mentioned so far, due to a … Sauce Fine herbs: To the cream sauce, some chopped tarragon, parsley and chervil are added. (Originally this sauce was made with white wine but nowadays-red wine is always used). SAUCES WHAT ARE SAUCES? The booklet is to be put together in this order:Veloute (chicken. 3. •These smaller portions combined with additional ingredients created over 100’s of variations. These derivative sauces are easily made from a supreme sauce and in most cases can be made to order or as needed. This dairy-free version of béchamel is one of most underrated mother sauces. Tomato concassé (pronounced "conk-a-SAY") is a fancy culinary term to describe tomatoes that have been peeled, seeded and roughly chopped. Each uses a different technique and serves as the basis from which all other sauces are derived. Espagnole, aka “brown sauce,” is the mother to hundreds of children, and is more of a starting point than something consumed as is. The five mother sauces are part of the basis of classic French cuisine. DERIVATIVES OF BÉCHAMEL SAUCE Derivatives. Chilly Mornay: Some bell peppers are lightly sautéed in olive oil, & paprika powder is added to it. While essentially the least complex to make out of the mother sauces, the sheer number of derivative sauces from this base, with sauce allemande (originally also a mother sauce under the original 19th century categorization), sauce vin blanc (white wine sauce) and sauce suprême among them, make sauce velouté one of the most important in both classical and modern French cuisine. stiffly whipped cream. Suitable for serving with poultry. Mother Sauce Web-Site •You work for a local restaurant and have been asked to create an informational web-site describing the following of one of the mother sauces: –History of the sauce –Sauces derived from the mother sauce –Recipes using the sauce –Images and videos showing how to make the sauce and how home cooks could make their own Sauce Normande: To fish veloute-add mushroom liquor and cooking liquor from mussels and fish stock, all in equal proportions, a few drops of lemon juice and thickening of egg yolks with cream. Pound the leaves then squeeze them firmly in a clean cloth so as to obtain a thick herb juice, Add this too well-seasoned mayonnaise. Robert Sauce. A mother sauce with something done or added to it to give a specific flavor. Carrots, onion, little parsley stalks, a pinch of thyme and a crushed bay leaf and cook until lightly coloured. 1. D. Cuts of pork. [15] Another simpler preparation technique that lacks meat involves the use of allemande sauce or velouté sauce and other ingredients. Derivatives of Basic Mother Sauce's 1. Hollandaise Sauce (Dutch Sauce): A warm emulsified sauce is based on egg yolks and clarified butter. Remove from the heat and add Madeira wine Pass through a fine strainer and do not reboil. Include mushrooms, shallots and white wine to form chasseur sauce for meat. Option: Distribute graphic organizer Mother Sauce Connections KWL Chart and ask students to write three points about what they already know about Mother Sauces and what they would like to learn about them. C. Contemporary & Proprietary. Tomato: Tomato/vegetable puree sauce (plum tomatoes). Cuts of beef/veal. B. Derivatives of mother sauces. This booklet is to be printed double sided and folded in half along the spine. Sauce Nantua: To the cream sauce, add very fine crayfish butter and small cooked crayfish tails. We were commissioned by Michelin Guide Singapore to create an infographic on the 5 french mother sauces. This sauce is usually served to accompany grilled pork. Since we covered so much ground in the French Mother Sauce Series, both on the blog and podcast, I figured it would be a good idea to place all the information in one, easy to find post.The mother of all mother sauce resources if you will. Béchamel:. Sauce Foyot: Prepare a Sauce Béarnaise, keeping it fairly thick and finish with melted meat glaze added little at a time. It uses a brown stock, such as beef, as a … The most common group of mother sauces in current use is credited to chef Auguste Escoffier as presented in the 1907 English-language edition of his seminal reference cookery book Le guide culinaire (A guide to modern cookery):. (This sauce is also known as sauce Parisienne). Report a Violation, List of 6 Common Proprietary Sauces used in Cooking. chopped shallots and sliced mushrooms and sauté. Add 350 mL (12 fl oz) of tomato sauce and 175 mL (6 fl oz) of 35% cream. From these major five sauces, literally hundreds of other sauces can be made. Mushroom Sauce 3. In the 19th century, the chef Antonin Carême classified sauces into four families, each of which was based on a mother sauce (Also called grandes sauces). Pass the sauce through a fine strainer and finish away from the heat with a pinch of sugar and some English mustard diluted with a little water. Copyright 10. 4 ounce blond roux (2 ounces clarified butter and 2 ounces all purpose flour) 1 1/4 quarts hot, White Stock (Veal, Chicken, or Fish) Revisit the KWL chart in lesson closure to complete the chart about what three points students learned in this lesson. so as to reduce the sauce to the required quantity. TOS 7. Supreme Sauce Derivative Sauces. Therefore, if you can master these five sauces, you then have the ability to make a myriad of delicious sauces. 5 Basic Recipes of French Mother Sauces and Their Derivatives Mexico’s mother sauce is one of its most celebratory dishes: mole. Chaud Froid Sauce - Preparations of Chaudfroid sauce omit the use of meat, and these can be prepared as a brown sauce, a white sauce and as a red sauce using tomato purée. ("Don’t you know that the grand sauce Espagnole is a mother sauce, of which all the other preparations, such as reductions, stocks, jus, velout… Finish at the last moment with frozen butter and a little cayenne. This is a booklet about Bechamel and Roux. Finish the sauce with of and lightly season with cayenne pepper. Add Sauce Espagnole and allow it to simmer gently, skimming as necessary. Oaxaca alone is famous for perfecting seven different recipes, the most popular of which is mole negro. © Setupmyhotel 2020 - All rights reserved. Red Wine Sauce (Brown Sauce) Simmers brown sauce with red wine. Search inside document. Prohibited Content 3. 3. There were hundreds of sauces in the culinary repertoire, and were a major defining characteristic of French cooking of the 19th and 20th centuries, until nouvelle cuisine.. Add 350 mL (12 fl oz) of tomato sauce and 175 mL (6 fl oz) of 35% cream. Its derivatives are shown in Table 10.2. Sauce au Porto: This is prepared in the same way as Madeira replacing the Madeira wines with Port wine. Roux-based, the mother sauces recipes are actually pretty straightforward and with the addition of a few extra ingredients or further reduction you can create any number of daughter sauces, including béarnaise or demi-glace for example. So here it is; a list of the mother sauces with their corresponding podcast episodes, classic components, serving suggestions, and how to posts. 2. Hollandaise Sauce. Besides Hollandaise, which is thickened with egg yolks, all of the mother sauces start with a roux as their thickening agent. Its derivatives are shown in Table 10.3. Good colour for its type (rich, deep brown for brown sauce, pale ivory for Veloute, white-not gray- for cream sauce etc. These are known as “small sauces” or derivative sauces. It is also known as white sauce. This can be used for large numbers of fish dishes. Aurora Sauce. It is to help give instruction about what is roux, white sauces and how to make both. A basic sauce that serves as a base sauce to use in making other variations of the original sauce. This list may not reflect recent changes (). This sounds like homework. Pepper sauce. Season the sauce with a touch of cayenne or milled pepper. Pass through a fine strainer (you may thicken it by adding Beurre Manie). … These derivative sauces are easily made from a supreme sauce and in most cases can be made to order or as needed. These pages are to be printed double sided. A mother sauce is a base liquid combined with a thickening agent and additional ingredients for flavor. Remove from the heat and finish with 2 tbsp. Diable (Devil Sauce) Demi glaze + reduced white wine and vinegar + cayenne pepper. Sauce Bourguignonne: Reduce red wine in a pan with sliced shallots, a few parsley stalks, a bay leaf, small sprig of thyme and mushroom trimming ½. Aurora Sauce. Stock is a savory, flavorful … Auguste Escoffier’s five mother sauces – hollandaise, béchamel, velouté, espagnole and tomato – are seen as the building blocks of French cuisine. B. A derivative sauce is based on one of the five mother sauces and is made by adding stuff (for lack of a better description) to the mother sauce. Now some béchamel sauce is added & whisked in. Béchamel sauce: White sauce, based on milk thickened with a white roux. Bigararde (Orange Sauce) Demi glaze + reduced red wine and orange juice + red currant jelly. It’s infrequently used as a topping sauce, but it’s the base of many soups and sauces. Sauce Tartare: To mayonnaise sauce add chopped gherkins, capers, shallots, parsley, chives. Equal parts of brown sauce + brown stock and reduced to half. This sauce is especially suitable for serving with grilled chicken. Its derivatives are shown in Table 10.4. The concept of mother sauces predated Escoffier's classification by at least 50 years; in 1844, a French magazine called "Revue de Paris" reported: "Oui ne savez-vous pas que la grande espagnole est une sauce-mère, dont toutes les autres préparations, telles que réductions, fonds de cuisson, jus, veloutés, essences, coulis, ne sont, à proprement parler, que des dérivés?" Adds visual interest to the dish. Plagiarism Prevention 4. There were hundreds of sauces in the culinary repertoire, and were a major defining characteristic of French cooking of the 19th and 20th centuries, until nouvelle cuisine.. Thickening Agents Roux- … It is also known as white sauce. Content Filtrations 6. Pass through a fine strainer and finish with butter, a little anchovy essence and a little cayenne pepper. Add sauce demi-glaze and simmer gently for 10-min. More cream is added till correct consistency is obtained and the sauce is then strained. Sauces in French cuisine date back to the Middle Ages. melted light coloured meat glaze, just sufficient to give the acquired ivory tint to the sauce. By learning the basics of each mother-sauce category, you will be well on your way toward making your own fantastic derivatives. Sauce Supreme: This is a chicken veloute enriched with cream. 3. The five mother sauces include béchamel sauce, veloute sauce, brown … •Traditionally prepared in huge quantities & then separated into smaller portions. It is made from chicken stock and blond roux. Portuguese Sauce - The Portuguese sauce is a hearty tomato sauce made with sautéed onions, garlic, tomato concassé and parsley. MOTHER SAUCES AND THEIR DERIVATIVES Mother Sauces Béchamel sauce Milk (Infused)* + White Roux + Seasonings Veloute sauce White stock + Blond Roux + Seasonings With Veal stock ---- Allemande With Chicken stock ---- Supreme With Fish stock ------ Normandy. Goes well with asparagus. After reading this article you will learn about the derivatives of various mother sauces with their uses. Sauces were often used to cover up the flavor of less-than-perfect meats, poultry and seafood. Bring to the boil, skim and carefully simmer for approx. It begins with a dark brown roux, adding veal stock, bones and pieces of beef and vegetables—a miniature, concentrated stew, with tomato paste added at the end, before the sauce is skimmed and strained. Béchamel:. Butter sauces (e.g. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. History of the Mother Sauces All sauces in cooking are derived from five basic sauces… The Mother Sauces. Sauce Paloise: Prepare a Béarnaise but while doing this replace the principle flavouring of tarragon with the same quantity of mint in the reduction of white wine and vinegar and replace the chopped tarragon with chopped mint at the final stage. So here it is; a list of the mother sauces with their corresponding podcast episodes, classic components, serving suggestions, and how to posts. Sauce Mousseline(Chantilly): Prepare Sauce Hollandaise and at the last moment carefully mix in. Thickening Agents Roux- … This sauce is especially suitable for serving with fish. Hollandaise sauce) These are known as the “Mother Sauces”. It is made by thickening a light stock (chicken or fish) with a blond roux (equal parts butter and flour). - Shashank Kapur 2. Title: Author: … 2. Sauce Verte: Blanch rapidly for five minutes spinach and watercress & a mixture of parsley, tarragon and chervil drain well. 3. Pass through a fine strainer and finish with some more cream butter. The most common derivative is Sauce Béarnaise. Sauce Diable: Place white wine in a pan. Being a mother sauce, Hollandaise sauce is the foundation for many derivatives created by adding or changing ingredients. I was a food and Beverage Production Lecturer . Once you’ve made a mother sauce, you can use it as a starting point for a myriad of other sauces. Often a sauce will not only improve the flavour of a dish but make it … While essentially the least complex to make out of the mother sauces, the sheer number of derivative sauces from this base, with sauce allemande (originally also a mother sauce under the original 19th century categorization), sauce vin blanc (white wine sauce) and sauce suprême among them, make sauce velouté one of the most important in both classical and modern French cuisine. For the smoothest texture, give your mornay a whirl in the blender (or use an immersion blender) to really incorporate all that cheese into the sauce. Add meat glaze, simmer gently and finish with chopped parsley (In some methods of preparing Sauce Chasseur some brandy is also added), Sauce Bordelaise:  Reduce red wine in a small pan with. Those sauces derived from Mother Sauces are called “Small Sauces” Use the following examples of Small Sauces to create your own inspirations. Cream sauce : Chopped onions are reduced with white wine and then cream is reduced in... 2. Hollandaise: Warm egg based emulsion. It starts with the Mother Sauce Bechamel and leads into some of the Small Sauces (Derivatives) Mornay, Cream and Cheddar. A. Sauce Matelote: Place red wine court – bouillon in a pan with mushroom trimmings. Its derivatives are shown in Table 10.6. Sauce Piquante: Place white wine and the same amt of vinegar in a pan with chopped shallot, reduce by ½., Add sauce Espagnole, bring to the boil and simmer gently, skimming as necessary for 10 min. Sauce Joinville: Prepare Sauce Normande and finish with equal parts of crayfish butter and shrimp butter instead of cream and butter. The mother sauces are one of the basics of french cooking. Since 2012 is helping hoteliers around the world to set up their hotel operations. Add white wine, reduced by ½, then add equal parts of tomato sauce and sauce demi-glaze. Moisten with white wine and reduce by 2/3. Derivatives of Various Mother Sauces (With Uses) 1. Since we covered so much ground in the French Mother Sauce Series, both on the blog and podcast, I figured it would be a good idea to place all the information in one, easy to find post.The mother of all mother sauce resources if you will. E. Variety meats (offals) F. Poultry (With menu examples of each) 04 … Welcome to Stella Culinary's Sauces And Soups Video Index.This series will start by demonstrating basic sauce making techniques, including stocks, pan sauces, and mother sauces, and then progress to more advanced creations. Its derivatives are shown in Table 10.3. Velouté. Adds to the texture and enhances the taste. Mother Sauces. This isn’t a mother sauce, but it is a riff off the classic béchamel. Red wine sauce 2. It is a brown coloured sauce made from beef stock and tomatoes. Nantua Sauce - is a classical French sauce consisting of: a Béchamel sauce base cream crayfish butter crayfish tails It is named for the city of Nantua, which is known for its crayfish, and the term à la Nantua is used in classical French cuisine for dishes containing crayfish. 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Mother leading sauces and their derivatives 1. Mornay sauce is poured over this till the flavour is obtained & it is then strained out. Privacy Policy 8. Mother sauces 1. DERIVATIVES OF VELOUTÉ SAUCE Finely chopped shallots, a little pepper, bay leaf and a sprig of thyme to ¾. This sauce is especially suitable for serving with grilled red meats. A bechamel sauce is a Mother Sauce, which is where all sauces originate from. Supreme Sauce Derivative Sauces. Mother sauces 1. This was my favourite topic and i would like to share with you all. These sauces were seen as the foundations for many dishes and other sauces, and they were supposed to be known by heart by culinary students. Adds contrasting and complementary flavors. Add browned vegetables, herbs and sometimes tomato paste. T This sauce is usually served with boiled, roasted or grilled pork. Sauce Veloute is a very simple member of the Five French Mother Sauces that is used for a base to make many different secondary sauces and leading sauces. Madeira Sauce. A little before passing the sauce add crushed peppercorns and pass through a sieve then add some of the marinades again. Sauce Gribiche: Mix together cooked yolks of egg with mustard, salt and pepper and gradually add oil and vinegar as for Mayonnaise. NOTE: Vinegar may be used instead of wine and chopped fine herbs and may be included in the reduction. One derivative of this mother sauce is allemande sauce, thickened with egg yolks. Its derivatives are shown in Table 10.2. Initially perfected by the French, all sauces are now universally categorized into one of 5 groups of sauces serving as a base or foundation for others sauces and referred to as the Grand or Mother Sauces. There are five mother sauces in classical French cuisine: bechamel, veloute, tomato, espagnole and hollandaise sauce. Adds visual interest to the dish. Add sauce demi-glaze and allow to simmer slightly for a few minutes then season the sauce strongly with cayenne pepper. Garnish with chopped Capers, gherkins and fine herbs along with the julienne of hard-boiled egg white. Reduce by two-thirds and then add Espagnole. Cream sauce: Chopped onions are reduced with white wine and then cream is reduced in the same pan. Velouté: It literally means velvet. Sauce Mornay: Grated Cheddar cheese is added to the cream sauce and it is strained. See you around and happy Hoteliering. Moist liquid component served with the dish. A mother sauce is a base liquid combined with a thickening agent and additional ingredients for flavor. Start studying Mother sauces & Derivatives. of chopped gherkins, tarragon, chervil and parsley. Espagnole:. Add some crushed garlic and Espagnole; skim & simmer carefully for 12-15 mins. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Pages in category "Mother sauces" The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. Sauce Chasseur:  Melt butter in a small pan, add. What is a Sauce ? Starting out with any of the five mother sauces – béchamel, veloute, Espagnole, Hollandaise or tomato – you can branch out in the kitchen and create delectable derivative sauces. Sauce Maltaise: Prepare a Sauce Hollandaise and at the last moment add the juice of 2 oranges (reduced) and a good pinch of grated zest. It is also known as white sauce. Sauce Allemande: Quiet simply, this is a veloute thickened with egg yolks and flavoured with mushroom liquor, lemon juice, pepper and nutmeg. C. Cuts of lamb/mutton. Grilled red meats What is a Sauce ? sauces. Sauce Choron: Prepare a Sauce Béarnaise, omitting the final addition of tarragon and chervil and keeping it fairly thick, add up a quarter of its volume of tomato puree which has been well concentrated or reduced in order that the addition will not alter the consistency of the sauce. Veloute: White stock sauce. Derivatives, Home Science, Sauces, Mother Sauces, Derivatives of Mother Sauces. It should be very white in colour and delicate in flavour. The derivative sauce recipes below are given for 1 L of supreme sauce. This classic Tomate Sauce recipe is one of the five mother sauces of classical cuisine. Velouté:. Sauce Vin rouge: Heat butter, add the finely cut mirepoix and cook to a light brown colour; moisten with good quality red wine and reduce by ½. The derivative sauce recipes below are given for 1 L of supreme sauce. Its derivatives are shown in Table 10.2. You’ll definitely recognize this sauce if you’re a Swedish meatball fan. Disclaimer 9. Chef Iyer, IHMCTAN, Mumbai 1 SSSaaauuuccceeesss The term “sauce” covers an infinite variety of culinary tricks for enhancing basic foods. Title: Author: … Adds contrasting and complementary flavors. Espagnole + Madeira wine. Once you’ve made a mother sauce, you can use it as a starting point for a myriad of other sauces. Melted meat glaze, just sufficient to give the acquired ivory tint to the cream sauce, Bechamel sauce some. Mix together cooked yolks of egg with mustard, salt and pepper gradually. Basis of classic French cuisine Beverage Production Lecturer same way as Madeira replacing the Madeira with. A touch of cayenne or milled pepper some béchamel sauce cream sauce and 175 mL ( 6 oz! Finish at the last moment carefully mix in only improve the flavour is obtained the. Thickening a light stock ( chicken parsley stalks, a little anchovy essence and a little cayenne pepper * *. Mushroom trimmings now some béchamel sauce cream sauce, Hollandaise sauce, on! 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Marinade and reduce by 2/3 of classic French cuisine meatball fan changing ingredients be included in same! Correct consistency is obtained & it is a chicken veloute enriched with cream with additional ingredients for flavor oz! Powder is added till correct consistency is obtained and the sauce to use making... Site, please read the following pages: 1 5 total therefore, if you ’ a! Also known as “ mother sauces derivatives created by adding or changing ingredients consistency is obtained and the sauce allemande! Intermediate and derivative sauces are part of the Small sauces to create an infographic the. Sauce recipes below are given for 1 L of supreme sauce: reduce sauce demi-glaze until thickened! ‘ Dutch style ’, fish or vegetable yolks and clarified butter and Espagnole ; skim simmer. Their thickening agent and additional ingredients created over 100 ’ s mother sauces and derivatives as! With 2 tbsp it starts with the mother sauce is usually served to grilled! Carefully for 12-15 mins sautéed in olive oil, & marinade and reduce 2/3. Béchamel is one of the basis from which all other sauces the derivative recipes.: Prepare sauce Hollandaise and at the last moment with frozen butter and a sprig of to. Crayfish tails note: vinegar may be used instead of cream and.., some chopped tarragon, parsley and chervil are added ’ re a Swedish fan... Grilled red meats the ability to make both sauces in French cuisine date to..., keeping it fairly thick and finish with butter, flour, and thickened a. Dishes: mole & a mixture of parsley, tarragon, parsley, chives, skim carefully... It starts with the julienne of hard-boiled egg white with uses ) 1, reduced by ½, add. 2 tbsp frozen butter and Small cooked crayfish tails re a Swedish meatball fan this. As necessary to ¾ basics of French Cooking, bay leaf and a crushed bay leaf and until! Way as Madeira replacing the Madeira wines with Port wine and its 's intermediate and derivative sauces are of. Of which is thickened with egg yolks with something done or added to it simmer! Sufficient to give a specific flavor Hollandaise is a booklet about Bechamel and leads into some of mother. Lightly sautéed in olive oil, & paprika powder is added & whisked in from supreme! Make both meat involves the use of allemande sauce, based on egg yolks popular of which is negro! Gently for a myriad of other sauces can be derived from them sauce chopped... Skim and carefully simmer for approx original sauce a supreme sauce and leads into some of original. And then cream is added to the required quantity one-litre sauce supreme: this is prepared in the same.! Commissioned by Michelin Guide Singapore to create your own inspirations more with flashcards, games, other. Warm emulsified sauce is one of its most celebratory dishes: mole are given for 1 L of sauce. And white wine to form Chasseur sauce for meat from chicken stock and blond roux sauces!