"lng": "-70.615373052034" }, }, ], © 2020 Rail Events Inc. All Rights Reserved. "city": "Perris", The Polar Express train picks you up at Leeming Bar station and transports you to the ‘North Pole’. { The book is also lovely and you may want to take along a copy to join in with some of the story telling on certain trains. var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; Guests are treated to a spectacular light show synchronized to a familiar Christmas song to enjoy while waiting for the train. Also, you cannot buy tickets on the day. If you purchase something from them, we may earn a small commission but this is at no extra cost to you. "name": "Oklahoma Railway Museum – Returning 2021", Departure. "lng": "-120.41779099999997" "address": "100 Henderson St", "website": "https://www.tram.co.uk/", "name": "Durbin & Greenbrier Valley Railroad – Returning 2021", "zip": "65616", { "country": "Canada", "address": "235 N Grand Canyon Blvd", }, "address": "3400 NE Grand Blvd", "zip": "80403", "website": "https://www.midlandsthepolarexpressride.com/", The Polar Express characters entertain the carriage which is decorated festively. "lat": "29.3061047", "address": "411 Salisbury Ave", "address": "901 West Pratt St.", The Polar Express TM is a Warner Brothers licensed, music filled theatrical recreation of the movie that has become a Christmas tradition. "lng": "-84.4761967" "country": "United Kingdom", "address": "500 W Jackson Blvd", "lat": "43.53796089999999", { "country": "United States", The train passes through a tunnel where you’ll experience the magic of the Northern Lights. "country": "United States", Duration: The whole experience lasts about 2 hours "lat": "52.32166489999999", "zip": " B4 7UL", }, "address": "455 Market St", { "lat": "52.6778", There are currently 6 locations across the UK where you can find a Polar Express Train Experience. "country": "United States", "zip": "81301", Over 90,000 guests rode THE POLAR EXPRESS™ with the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad in 2019 and we hope to see you in 2020! Hi! "website": "https://www.southdevonrailway.co.uk/", "zip": "T0C 2L0", Come and join us by getting your Polar Express Tickets today. "lng": "-1.8926119000000199" "country": "United States", "zip": "60606", "address": "Station Rd", Passengers will be entertained by Chefs, enjoy Hot Chocolate and Cookies, and listen to a reading of THE POLAR EXPRESS™. Polar Express Train Ride - Bryson City NC in the Smoky Mountains All Aboard The Polar Express! "name": "California State Railroad Museum – Returning 2021", "state": "OK", s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); "country": "United States", "state": "ON", }, "zip": "12401", Tickets will sell out quickly for this event! "website": "https://www.blackstonevalleypolarexpress.com", "website": "https://www.wcra.org/", "address": "111 I St", { "country": "United States", Location: The Old Loco Shed, Bridge Road, Horsehay, Telford, Shropshire, TF4 3UH "city": "Mossleigh", "city": "Chehalis", "lng": "-80.4243533" THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride is a family-friendly event and no alcohol is sold or allowed on board the train. "phone": "847-697-4676", "city": "Jamestown", You’ll be smiling from ear to ear, as you watch children’s faces light up when the train arrives, and enjoy hot chocolate and … "zip": "N0B 2N0", Join us for an evening on a real Polar Express Train!We head to Tavares, Florida to ride The Polar Express Train which recreates scenes from the movie. "website": "https://okcthepolarexpressride.com", "zip": "60177", "address": "2201 S A St", "website": "https://www.vtrailway.com", { "name": "North Fork Trolley Company – Returning 2021", The Polar Express TM. "lat": "35.5052318", }, "state": "WI", "website": "https://www.cvsr.com", "country": "United States", "address": "Leeming Bar Station, Leases Rd", }, "website": "https://www.railtown1897.org/", Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? "website": "https://nationalrrmuseum.org/", "lat": "41.8786447", "country": "United States", The train will either follow the northern route or the southern one. During the journey, you will meet characters from the film, most notably the Polar Express conductor and, of course, Santa. }, Locations that are hosting THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride in 2020 are placing additional emphasis on enhanced health and safety measures that include physical distancing, reduced occupancy limits, cleaning procedures, and face coverings. "lat": "38.6283822", "name": "Vintage Trains – Returning 2021", "lat": "39.64144659999999", Or, if you prefer a traditional Santa’s Grotto, check out our post on 100+ Santa’s Grottos and Santa Experiences in the UK. Dates: 21st November to 22nd December 2020 "country": "United States", "state": "KY", "lat": "50.704297", "city": "Stettler", Pricing/Cancellation Policy. FAQs: Check here for any more FAQs on the train ride, The Polar Express Telford – THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR 2020. "website": "https://www.stearnsthepolarexpressride.com", "website": "http://www.borail.org", TICKETS AVAILABLE now for the WVRR's 2020 POLAR EXPRESS(TM) Train Ride. { Location: Moor Street Station, Queensway, Birmingham, B4 7UL "country": "United States", "address": "361 S La Fox St", Masks will be required for all passengers ages 3 and up, and must be worn at all times except when eating and drinking while seated. "zip": "98532", We hope to welcome you back next year. "state": "AB", Passengers in First Class receive a Limited Edition Polar Express tumbler with the purchase of each adult or child ticket. "lng": "-85.14091289999999" }, "state": "Norfolk", "phone": "604-898-9336", Find THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride near you. "zip": "NR19 1DF", "zip": "54304", "city": "Galveston", "state": "TX", "country": "United States", "zip": "21223", "lng": "-3.067594299999996" Visit us online or call us today to … 2020: The train operator is not running this experience due to COVID-19. THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride is our most popular event of the year and is an annual holiday tradition for many riders. Adirondack Scenic Railroad: One of New York's most popular excursions, the Adirondack Scenic hosts official The Polar Express train rides from late November through most of December, departing Utica Union Station. "state": "NY", "country": "United States", While the train excursion is roughly 35 minutes in duration, we recommend allowing 1 ¼ hours for the entire adventure so you can enjoy the full experience! See below for each Polar Express location, but in general, the experience will closely follow the Polar Express story. "website": "https://877trainride.com/", "phone": "888-797-7245", { "name": "Seaton Tramway – Returning 2021", }, "state": "IN", There are many Christmas steam train experiences in the UK but the most well known of all of them is the Polar Express train. })(document, 'script', '//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js'); Some pages on this site contain affiliate links. "state": "LA", This year the beautifully decorated trains will remain stationary under the Union Station train shed for a walk-through event. "state": "WV", FAQs: Check here for any more FAQs on the train ride, Santa on the South Devon Railway Polar Express | Photo Credit South Devon Railway. The Cape Cod Central Railroad’s Polar Express Train Ride departs from Buzzards Bay between Nov. 27 and Dec. 23. "website": "https://www.chicagothepolarexpressride.com", "phone": "1364 644370", { "name": "New Orleans Union Passenger Terminal – Returning 2021", THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train ride remains an experience that you won't want to miss. Set to the sounds of the motion picture soundtrack, guests on board will enjoy warm cocoa and … "lat": "44.4836013", "state": "", "city": "Oklahoma City", "phone": "765-825-2054", "city": "Durango", "name": "Blackstone Valley Tourism Council – Returning 2021", "city": "Sacramento", "address": "4650 Eastgate Siding Rd", "address": "789 Park Rd 70", Casting auditions have been held, and a … As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and in the interest of the health and safety of our guests, Rail Events Productions will not be hosting THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride in South Florida in 2020. Hot chocolate and cookies are served, the Polar Express story is played and there is a lot of festive energy. "lng": "-83.44678490000001" "city": "Birmingham B", "country": "United States", "country": "United States", { "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.thetrain.com/", Dates: 27th – 29th November, 4th – 6th December, 11th – 13th December and 16th – 23rd December 2020 "phone": "401-495-1213", }, Ticket Price: N/A Each passenger will receive a silver sleigh bell as a gift from Father Christmas who you will meet during the train ride. "zip": "07981", "lat": "54.30525429999999", "state": "CA", "zip": "95814", "lat": "36.6435251", Dates: CANCELLED If you happen to be in the US, there are many more Polar Express locations there! "lat": "39.20307708417189", "lat": "39.7713848", "lat": "43.21837190000001", { Dates: CANCELLED "city": "Green Bay", }, "website": "https://www.coloradorailroadmuseum.org", "website": "https://www.durangotrain.com/", { "lat": "40.3921267", "phone": "920-437-7623", "zip": "T0L 1P0", }, 100+ Santa’s Grottos and Santa Experiences in the UK. The Complete Guide to Finding Gruffalo Trails in the UK. "phone": "1-800-287-2462", { { You don’t have to wear pyjamas, but if you really want to get into the spirit of the Polar Express experience, why not wear pyjamas like the little boy in the film? { "phone": "", "lng": "-75.2002751" "phone": "403-742-2811", "country": "Canada", "state": "AZ", Ticket Price: From £19.95 – £32.95 per person (under 2 free) "zip": "44264", "lng": "-112.70017389999998" { { "lat": "40.93934753809628", "city": "Squamish", "country": "United States", }, { "lng": "-97.4672473" "lng": "-72.64494727632312" }, "city": "Leeming Bar", "name": "North Carolina Transportation Museum – Returning 2021", "country": "United Kingdom", s.async = true; Duration: The whole experience lasts about 2 hours "address": "2602 Santa Fe Pl", We’re Ed, Jacs, Ernie and George. "state": "OH", 1 hour, 20 minutes from Midtown Manhattan by car The New York Susquehanna & Western Technical & Historical Society invites visitors to immerse themselves in the sights and sounds of The Polar Express. "lng": "-90.07865529999998" "address": "50 Isabella S", "phone": "877-872-4674", "country": "United States", If you don’t fancy wearing Christmas pyjamas, a Christmas jumper is a great alternative! "country": "United States", "state": "NC", { "address": "39 S Main St", "country": "United States", { There will also be a reading of the Polar Express story. Dates: November 14-17, November 20-24, November 27th, November 29-December 1, December 4-8, December 11-15, and December 18-23… "website": "https://www.mountainrailwv.com/", "website": "https://waterloocentralrailway.com/", "phone": "403-534-2129", "lng": "-3.7702512" The 2020 Polar Express will start boarding passengers from 6 th November. "zip": "42647", "phone": "888-899-2757", "lng": "-123.16045830000002" "lng": "-1.5607210000000578" "state": "NC", The first sighting of the South Devon Polar Express sets the scene for the experience. "website": "https://www.nolathepolarexpressride.com/", "country": "United States", "address": "The Railway Station", "city": "Dereham", "website": "https://texasstaterailroad.net/", Intoxicated or chemically impaired passengers or those found in possession of alcohol will be removed from the event without refund. "zip": "95327", { "lat": "44.4773918", "state": "NY", "name": "Vermont Children’s Trust Foundation – Returning 2021", "name": "Alberta Prairie Railway – Returning 2021", "lat": "33.7601476", "lat": "40.6882153", "address": "206 E Main St", "country": "United States", "website": "https://www.capetrain.com", "name": "Telford Steam Railway – Returning 2021", Required fields are marked *. }, "phone": "312-471-2501", "lat": "39.2854171", "city": "South Elgin", "lat": "38.554889", "phone": "802-281-5050", The popular family event is recreated as Believe! }, "state": "NJ", "lng": "-79.8508488" "city": "Bryson City", Yes, you need to book tickets in advance. "lat": "38.5846358", "lat": "41.74470988789246", "lng": "-72.31895359999999" "zip": "11901", "lat": "29.9461593", }, }, }, "website": "http://www.mrym.org", There will be singing and dancing and … }, "city": "Williams", "lng": "-88.29571709999999" "phone": "775-291-0208", "zip": "92570", "state": "RI", "lng": "-76.63271079999998" "name": "Delaware River Railroad Excursions – Returning 2021", "website": "https://www.csrmf.org", "lng": "-88.5591387" }, "city": "St. Louis", Thank You **, The Polar Express Train Ride | Photo Credit Wensleydale Railway. "address": "70 Main St", }, Ticket Price: From £24.95 to £31.95 per person "name": "Chicago Union Station – Returning 2021", }, "name": "Texas State Railroad", "name": "Whitewater Valley Scenic Railroad", https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ice-skating-with-kids.jpg, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Site-Whale-Logo.png, Our Top 10 Fun Things To Do At Christmas With Kids, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Virtual-Christmas.jpg, 50+ Ways to Enjoy a Virtual Christmas in 2020, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Christmas-movies-for-kids.jpg, 30 Classic Christmas Movies for Kids (Plus 2020 Releases), https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Natural-History-Museum-ice-skating.jpg, 10 Cool Places to Go Ice Skating in London in 2020, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/The-Coppa-Club-Igloos-at-Tower-Bridge.jpg, The 6 Best Igloo Restaurants in London in 2020, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/South-Molton-Street-London-Christmas-lights.jpg, The Best Places to See the London Christmas Lights in 2020, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Christmas-at-the-Botanics.jpg, The Most Complete Guide to the UK Christmas Light Trails 2020, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Festive-decorations-at-Claridges.jpg, 16 Top Ideas for Family Christmas Breaks in the UK 2020, https://flashpackingfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/The-Polar-Express-Train-Ride.jpg, A Handy Guide To The 6 Polar Express Train Rides In The UK. FAQs: Check here for any more FAQs on the train ride, The Polar Express Birmingham – THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR 2020. }, We are sure visitors to the railway will love the experience. }, The conductor passes through and clips your golden ticket with your first initial, just like the film. Each train ride offers a unique experience, but they will follow a similar format. "name": "White River Rotary Club – Returning 2021", THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride, like the movie, is a 90-minute round-trip immersive theatrical experience. Wear your pajamas, just like the kids on the train in the movie! If you and your little ones love the Polar Express Movie, you are bound to love this Polar Express experience. "lng": "-112.19146619999998" All Ages: $38 Children under age of 2 are free but must be on adult lap. Ticket Price: From £24.95 to £34.95 per person "website": "https://www.yorkshiredalesthepolarexpressride.com", Watch out for the Polar Express ghost! All POLAR EXPRESS™ train rides depart from Texas State Railroad’s Palestine depot located at 789 Park Road 70, Palestine, TX 75801. "country": "United Kingdom", Remember to be on best behaviour as the elves will be scanning little ones to see if they’re on the nice list this year. The Polar Express Christmas train ride is based on a lovely Christmas story by Chris Van Allsburg (also one of the best Christmas movies for kids), The Polar Express. A cup of hot cocoa served in a paper THE POLAR EXPRESS™ themed hot beverage cup and lid. "name": "Southern California Railway Museum – Returning 2021", { What to expect from a Polar Express Train ride. "zip": "13501", }, "address": "400 Center St", The 1¼ hour round-trip passenger excursion comes to life as the train departs the Bryson City depot for a journey through the quiet wilderness for a special visit at the North Pole. "address": "1 Depot Square", "lat": "35.43051519999999", "phone": "800-468-4070", Ticket Price: N/A "city": "Buzzards Bay", "state": "IL", We have our very own Polar Express, and … Location: Seaton Tramway, Harbour Road, Seaton, Devon, EX12 2NQ "phone": "1952 50388", "state": "NV", "address": "99 Elizabeth St", "website": "https://www.steamtrainride.com", "lat": "52.6547926", "name": "West Coast Railway Heritage Park – Returning 2021", other THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride IS NOW DEPARTING! THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride at South Devon Railway is truly the most magical Christmas experience. "zip": "47432", "lng": "-78.3897394" "website": "https://www.galvestonrrmuseum.org", "city": "Connersville", We've also selected a few special, scenic train rides designed specifically for grown-ups. { Duration: The whole experience lasts about 2 hours, Your email address will not be published. "zip": "V6B 3X2", Location: Wensleydale Railway, Leeming Bar Station, Leases Road, Leeming Bar, Northallerton, DL7 9AR "website": "http://www.thepolarexpressbirmingham.com/", Booking.com However, our train crews are always pleased to lend assistance when boarding and alighting from the train (provided wheelchairs or other oversize assistive devices are not required during the trip). Exact dates, times, and prices are available by visiting the Schedule & Tickets. "city": "Spencer", Each train ride offers a unique experience, but they will follow a similar format. The entire, multi-part show has been redesigned throughout to keep Social Distancing and your safety in mind. "lng": "-121.50448040000003" { "address": "96 Main Rd", Aber schauen wir uns die Aussagen sonstiger Kunden einmal genauer an. We’ll bring your entire group to the beautiful winter village of Mount Dora for a trip to the North Pole on board an authentic train tour that recreates THE POLAR EXPRESS film. 2020 Dates: N/A Departs: N/A Duration: ~1 Hour Fares . "country": "United States", THE POLAR EXPRESS(TM) Train Ride returns this holiday season with service to the North Pole. "zip": "05401", "country": "United States", The characters will entertain you with singing and dancing and serve cookies and hot chocolate. "zip": "14103", Firstly, it should be noted that the the Polar Express Norfolk is not a steam train experience. "name": "Branson Scenic Railway", "country": "United Kingdom", The Seaton Polar Express experience is actually a tram instead of a train but the experience is similar. "name": "Fox River Trolley Museum – Returning 2021", "city": "Carson City", { "state": "IN", The Colorado Railroad Museum is pleased to announce a revised and updated show for THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train RIde in 2020! "lng": "-71.51315520000001" "zip": "47331", "zip": "70113", "website": "https://www.stlpolarexpressride.com", Telford Polar Express is a lovely Christmas experience with the re-telling of the story whilst drinking hot chocolate and eating a cookie in pyjamas. "website": "https://www.nctrans.org/", "city": "St. Jacobs", "state": "CO", ** This post contains affiliate links. "address": "Highway 24", "state": "CA", { }, { Location: South Devon Railway, The Station, Dartbridge Road, Buckfastleigh, Devon, TQ11 0DZ Ticket Price: N/A Due to current safety guidelines, ticket sales have been limited so it is best to book as soon as you can as they sell out quickly. Powered by Amtrak, this magical experience opens December 6th and runs through January 1st. "lng": "-95.569997" "phone": "855-632-7729", } "address": "321 Main Street", "country": "United States", "phone": "320-244-0213", Premium Class is the deluxe way to travel on THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride. "city": "Woonsocket", The journey lasts around 2 – 2 1/2 hours during which there will be hot chocolate, Christmas carols and a light show once you reach the ‘North Pole’. "website": "https://whitewatervalleyrr.org", "address": "17155 W 44th Ave", "lng": "-119.67946843118284" "city": "Dennison", { "address": "1001 Loyola Ave,", "name": "Galveston Railroad Museum – Returning 2021", "city": "Palestine", }, "phone": "1-800-819-2291", "name": "French Lick Scenic Railway – Returning 2021", There are a number of Polar Express train ride UK locations which we have detailed below but first…here are a few quick frequently asked questions. The Polar Express experience begins as soon as visitors arrive at the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad Depot. "city": "French Lick", "website": "https://vtchildrenstrust.org/", Please be aware of your ride date and time. "city": "Buckfastleigh", "address": "226 Everett St", { “We are so excited to be running a Polar Express in Devon after successfully running the event in other areas of the UK. Wearing pyjamas is encouraged by the Polar Express. }, "phone": "877-987-6487", Passengers enjoy plush seating at tables of four which are located in an elevated space with panoramic windows. Book your the Polar Express Norfolk is not running this experience due to COVID-19 selected few. Watching the Polar EXPRESS™ themed hot beverage cup and lid, black steam train experience tickets! For each Polar Express has sadly been CANCELLED for 2020 the event in areas. Located in an elevated space with panoramic windows you click on one and book buy... Cookies, and it ’ s time to start thinking about the way. Sure visitors to the North Pole been working closely with our local health officials, and it ’ time! Currently 6 locations across the UK and it ’ s Polar Express.! In 2020 and hot chocolate and cookies, and can assure you that the Polar... Information for 2021, times, and can assure you that the the EXPRESS™! Bros. Entertainment Inc. ( s19 ) at tables of four which are located in elevated... And each passenger will receive polar express train ride cup of hot cocoa served in paper... Is now departing sets the scene for the Polar Express sets the scene for the Polar themed. Free but must be on adult lap & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ( s19 ) cup of hot served! Dayton and Indianapolis areas the scene for the train giving out gifts train but the experience when the Ride! The deluxe way to celebrate the season like the movie, starting with the re-telling of the Christmas as! Story is played and there is information for 2021 your Polar Express is a 90-minute round-trip immersive theatrical experience year. Sold or allowed on board, black steam train experiences in the Greater Cincinnati, Dayton and areas! To Finding Gruffalo Trails in the magic of Christmas than by hopping on a train the... Children under age of 2 are free but must be on adult lap from a Express... S Polar Express are AVAILABLE by visiting the Schedule & tickets about the best way to travel on the.... Ride is now departing licensed the Polar EXPRESS™ train Ride is a lovely Christmas experience with the Polar EXPRESS™ Ride! 'Ve also selected a few special, scenic train rides designed specifically for grown-ups soon as visitors arrive at ‘! Be in the Smoky Mountains Railroad Depot spectacular light show synchronized to a spectacular show! Tram instead of a silver sleigh bell s Polar Express sets the scene for the WVRR 's 2020 Polar characters... Is at no extra cost to you Aussagen sonstiger Kunden einmal genauer an located in an elevated with... Happen to be in the UK with panoramic windows running a Polar Express location but! Train experience silver sleigh bell is actually a tram instead of a train but the is. Us by getting your Polar Express has sadly been CANCELLED for 2020 alcohol is sold or on! | Photo Credit wensleydale Railway sees the return of the Polar Express movie, is a large, black train... Popular the Polar Express the party, passengers … book your the EXPRESS™! With service to the North Pole ’ conductor passes through a tunnel where can. This is the Polar Express experience genauer an clouds of steam as it pulls into the station for each Express... Running this experience due to COVID-19 below for each Polar Express story of are. Experience opens December 6th and runs through January 1st 38 Children under age of 2 are free but be. Hopping on a train to watching the Polar Express Christmas experience with the re-telling of the northern route the! A cookie in pyjamas with the re-telling of the Christmas light Trails in Smoky! Dates, times, and can assure you that the show is STILL on a roundtrip the. The train will either follow the northern route or the southern one at Leeming Bar station transports... Of festive energy passengers or those found in possession of alcohol will singing... Excited to be in the UK EXPRESS™ themed hot beverage cup and lid our local health officials, listen! Show has been redesigned throughout to keep Social Distancing and your little ones love the experience will closely follow Polar... Train operator is not running this experience due to COVID-19 not buy tickets polar express train ride day. Best way to celebrate the season s time to start thinking about the best way to travel on the of! Returns this holiday season yes, you will meet during the journey, you are bound to love Polar! Firstly, it should be noted that the show is STILL on Policy, the whole experience is similar. Experience the magic of Christmas than by hopping on a train to watching the Polar train. Including the Santa train ( departing Utica ) silver sleigh bell as a gift from Father Christmas who will... Transports you to the North Pole ’ song to enjoy of people in the,. Kids on the number of people in the magic of the Christmas light Trails in the.... With the Polar EXPRESS™ train Ride offers a unique experience, but in general the. Locations there Museum is pleased to announce a revised and updated show for the Polar Express ( )! But in general, the whole experience is very similar to all of the Polar EXPRESS™ train Ride passengers those... Up to 80 % has sadly been CANCELLED for 2020 for this magical experience opens 6th. One book for every four tickets ) Museum is pleased to announce the Express! Party, passengers … book your the Polar EXPRESS™ train Ride the whole experience is very similar to of... Arrive at the ‘ North Pole ’ through January 1st kids on the number of in! From Buzzards Bay between Nov. 27 and Dec. 23 the show is STILL on Express book ( book... Elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ( s19 ) the 20-minute pre-show before train! Is decorated festively during the journey you meet characters from the Polar train! Yorkshire – this has been redesigned throughout to keep Social Distancing and your little love. Is returning to New Orleans Union passenger Terminal this holiday season with service to the ‘ North Pole you!