Greek emigres brought their Greek religion everywhere they went, even as far as India and Afghanistan. The Peloponnesian War: A Military Study (Warfare and History) by J. F. Lazenby,2003, page 224,"... number of strongholds, and he made himself useful fighting 'the Thracians without a king' on behalf of the more Hellenized Thracian kings and their Greek neighbours (Nepos, Alc. Further inland was the Illyrian Paeonian Kingdom and the tribe of the Agrianes. The Hellenistic period saw the rise of New Comedy, Alexandrian poetry, the Septuagint and the philosophies of Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Pyrrhonism. In 352 BC he annexed Thessaly and Magnesia. Hellenistic people saw themselves as exiles from their true home, the Beyond, and they sought for ways to return. Pyrrhus then turned south and invaded Sicily but was unsuccessful and returned to Italy. Most of the Greek cities rallied to the Achaeans' side, even slaves were freed to fight for Greek independence. It has been noted by Herodotus that after the establishment of the Athenian democracy: ...the Athenians found themselves suddenly a great power. Alexander's tutor was the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BCE) who impressed upon him the value of Greek culture and philosophy. [138], The interpretation of Hellenistic science varies widely. Why did the city of … In 146 BC, the Greek peninsula, though not the islands, became a Roman protectorate. Under his auspices the Peace of Naupactus (217 BC) brought the latest war between Macedon and the Greek leagues (the Social War of 220–217 BC) to an end, and at this time he controlled all of Greece except Athens, Rhodes and Pergamum. Stoicism, founded by Zeno of Citium, taught that virtue was sufficient for eudaimonia as it would allow one to live in accordance with Nature or Logos. During the reign of Mithridates II, Pontus was allied with the Seleucids through dynastic marriages. [60] Appian of Alexandria (late 1st century AD–before 165) wrote a history of the Roman empire that includes information of some Hellenistic kingdoms. A number of the best-known works of Greek sculpture belong to the Hellenistic period, including Laocoön and his Sons, Venus de Milo, and the Winged Victory of Samothrace. In the aftermath of this victory, Antigonus took the title of king (basileus) and bestowed it on his son Demetrius Poliorcetes, the rest of the Diadochi soon followed suit. 360 300 B.C. Greek science was advanced by the works of the mathematician Euclid and the polymath Archimedes. The farther away from the Mediterranean and the lower in social status, the more likely that a colonist was to adopt local ways, while the Greco-Macedonian elites and royal families usually remained thoroughly Greek and viewed most non-Greeks with disdain. Antiochus III ("the Great") conducted several vigorous campaigns to retake all the lost provinces of the empire since the death of Seleucus I. The third era of ancient Greek history was the Hellenistic Age when the Greek language and culture spread throughout the Mediterranean world. During the Hellenistic Era, scientists, writers, philosophers, and poets moved to the new Greek cities in Egypt and Southwest Asia. The ancient Georgian kingdoms had trade relations with the Greek city-states on the Black Sea coast such as Poti and Sukhumi. Despite their initial reluctance, the Successors seem to have later deliberately naturalized themselves to their different regions, presumably in order to help maintain control of the population. According to Peter Green, these cults did not produce genuine belief of the divinity of rulers among the Greeks and Macedonians. [48] The city became a dominant trading hub and center of Hellenistic civilization in Iberia, eventually siding with the Roman Republic against the Carthaginian Empire during the Second Punic War (218–201 BC). The last Hasmonean ruler, Antigonus II Mattathias, was captured by Herod and executed in 37 BC. The religious sphere expanded to include new gods such as the Greco-Egyptian Serapis, eastern deities such as Attis and Cybele and a syncretism between Hellenistic culture and Buddhism in Bactria and Northwest India. During the reign of Tigranes the Great (95–55 BC), the kingdom of Armenia reached its greatest extent, containing many Greek cities, including the entire Syrian tetrapolis. The Parthians continued worshipping Greek gods syncretized together with Iranian deities. madelinecooksey. The image of Alexander the Great was also an important artistic theme, and all of the diadochi had themselves depicted imitating Alexander's youthful look. In addition, much of the area conquered would continue to be ruled by the Diadochi, Alexander's generals and successors. From there, he created a new empire which expanded to include much of Alexander's near eastern territories. [45] A staunch ally of Rome, Massalia retained its independence until it sided with Pompey in 49 BC and was then taken by Caesar's forces. One example is Athens, which had been decisively defeated by Antipater in the Lamian war (323–322 BC) and had its port in the Piraeus garrisoned by Macedonian troops who supported a conservative oligarchy. [130] He was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis (again with remarkable accuracy). The Odrysians used Greek as the language of administration[38] and of the nobility. Martyrs went to their graves in order to ensure the gospel message stayed true. The Attalids ruled Pergamon until Attalus III bequeathed the kingdom to the Roman Republic in 133 BC[70] to avoid a likely succession crisis. [17] The generals who had supported Perdiccas were rewarded in the partition of Babylon by becoming satraps of the various parts of the empire, but Perdiccas' position was shaky, because, as Arrian writes, "everyone was suspicious of him, and he of them".[18]. The First Macedonian War broke out in 212 BC, and ended inconclusively in 205 BC. The most important source after Polybius is Diodorus Siculus who wrote his Bibliotheca historica between 60 and 30 BC and reproduced some important earlier sources such as Hieronymus, but his account of the Hellenistic period breaks off after the battle of Ipsus (301 BC). Bedal, Leigh-Ann; The Petra Pool-complex: A Hellenistic Paradeisos in the Nabataean Capital, pg 178. F.W. In Arabia, Bahrain, which was referred to by the Greeks as Tylos, the centre of pearl trading, when Nearchus came to discover it serving under Alexander the Great. Preserved examples of ball projectiles range from 4.4 to 78 kg (9.7 to 172.0 lb). Although Greek culture exerted influence on the spread, language, and culture of Christianity, and even spawned unbiblical cults, it did not affect the orthodox theology. [16], Period of ancient Greek and Mediterranean history, "Greek world" redirects here. Although Greek culture exerted influence on the spread, language, and culture of Christianity, and even spawned unbiblical cults, it did not affect the orthodox theology. Throughout the Hellenistic world, these Greco-Macedonian colonists considered themselves by and large superior to the native "barbarians" and excluded most non-Greeks from the upper echelons of courtly and government life. These cities retained traditional Greek city state institutions such as assemblies, councils and elected magistrates, but this was a facade for they were always controlled by the royal Seleucid officials. [125] He also wrote a massive catalog of the holdings of the library of Alexandria, the famous Pinakes. Alexander spread Greek culture throughout the Persian Empire, including parts of Asia and Africa. The term Hellenistic is a modern invention; the Hellenistic World not only included a huge area covering the whole of the Aegean, rather than the Classical Greece focused on the Poleis of Athens and Sparta, but also a huge time range. Victorious, the Romans abolished the Macedonian kingdom, replacing it with four puppet republics; these lasted a further twenty years before Macedon was formally annexed as a Roman province (146 BC) after yet another rebellion under Andriscus. The exact justification for the invasion remains unclear, but by about 175 BC, the Greeks ruled over parts of northwestern India. Hellenistic culture produced seats of learning throughout the Mediterranean. They enjoyed Greek theater, and Greek art influenced Parthian art. Bugh, Glenn R. (editor). Hierax carved off most of Seleucid Anatolia for himself, but was defeated, along with his Galatian allies, by Attalus I of Pergamon who now also claimed kingship. Another poet, Apollonius of Rhodes, attempted to revive the epic for the Hellenistic world with his Argonautica. After being defeated by Ptolemy IV's forces at Raphia (217 BC), Antiochus III led a long campaign to the east to subdue the far eastern breakaway provinces (212–205 BC) including Bactria, Parthia, Ariana, Sogdiana, Gedrosia and Drangiana. The separation of the Indo-Greek kingdom from the Greco-Bactrian kingdom resulted in an even more isolated position, and thus the details of the Indo-Greek kingdom are even more obscure than for Bactria. Developments in painting included experiments in chiaroscuro by Zeuxis and the development of landscape painting and still life painting. During the course of this war Roman troops moved into Asia for the first time, where they defeated Antiochus again at the Battle of Magnesia (190 BC). See answer camillelopez173 is waiting for your help. Alexander the Great, on capturing the Persian Empire, tried to introduce Greek culture as a way of civilising it according to his viewpoint. The reason for the production of this translation seems to be that many of the Alexandrian Jews had lost the ability to speak Hebrew and Aramaic.[81]. This was primarily a result of the over-ambition of the Macedonian kings, and their unintended provocation of Rome, though Rome was quick to exploit the situation. During the Hellenistic period, Judea became a frontier region between the Seleucid Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt and therefore was often the frontline of the Syrian wars, changing hands several times during these conflicts. The spread of Christianity throughout the Roman world, followed by the spread of Islam, ushered in the end of Hellenistic philosophy and the beginnings of Medieval philosophy (often forcefully, as under Justinian I), which was dominated by the three Abrahamic traditions: Jewish philosophy, Christian philosophy, and early Islamic philosophy. Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan, Jennifer Tolbert Roberts, and Sarah B. Pomeroy. Prag & Quinn (editors). Green, Peter; Alexander to Actium, the historical evolution of the Hellenistic age, page 53. Alexander respected the local cultures he conquered, and allowed their customs to continue. After holding out for one year under siege by Demetrius Poliorcetes (305–304 BC), the Rhodians built the Colossus of Rhodes to commemorate their victory. 280 BC), the Boeotian league, the "Northern League" (Byzantium, Chalcedon, Heraclea Pontica and Tium)[28] and the "Nesiotic League" of the Cyclades. The result was the end of Macedon as a major power in the Mediterranean. The nobility also adopted Greek fashions in dress, ornament and military equipment, spreading it to the other tribes. The Cambridge Companion to the Hellenistic World, 2007, p. 44. The second Diadochi war began following the death of Antipater in 319 BC. German historian J. G. Droysen coined the word "Hellenistic" during the 19th century, to refer to the expansion of Greek culture after Alexander's death. [107] The preservation of many classical and archaic works of art and literature (including the works of the three great classical tragedians, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides) are due to the efforts of the Hellenistic Greeks. The word Hellenistic comes from the root word Hellas, which was the ancient Greek word for Greece. Greeks were Not the First–or Main–Spreaders of “Greek” Culture . At the centre of these religions were complex systems governing the interrelationships between gods and humans, individuals and the state, and living people and their ancestors. Hellenization, or Hellenism, refers to the spread of Greek culture that had begun after the conquest of Alexander the Great in the fourth century, B.C.E. the language used in hellenistic cities and was a direct result of cultural blending. During a decade of campaigning, Alexander conquered the whole Persian Empire, overthrowing the Persian king Darius III. Write. The wars of Antiochus III brought the region into the Seleucid empire; Jerusalem fell to his control in 198 BC and the Temple was repaired and provided with money and tribute. Other Scythians on the steppes of Central Asia came into contact with Hellenistic culture through the Greeks of Bactria. Under Ptolemy II, Callimachus, Apollonius of Rhodes, Theocritus, and a host of other poets including the Alexandrian Pleiad made the city a center of Hellenistic literature. After the Seleucid defeat at the Battle of Magnesia in 190 BC, the kings of Sophene and Greater Armenia revolted and declared their independence, with Artaxias becoming the first king of the Artaxiad dynasty of Armenia in 188 BC. Lesser supplementary sources include Curtius Rufus, Pausanias, Pliny, and the Byzantine encyclopedia the Suda. The Ptolemaic ruler cult portrayed the Ptolemies as gods, and temples to the Ptolemies were erected throughout the kingdom. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. Roman entanglement in the Balkans began when Illyrian piratical raids on Roman merchants led to invasions of Illyria (the First and, Second Illyrian Wars). Hellenization is a term that is commonly used in describing the spread of the culture of the ancient Greeks as well as, to a smaller degree, the Greek language in particular. The characteristic religion of the Hellenistic period was dualistic. Alexander had decreed that Greek culture was to replace all other cultures. Flashcards. Seleucus received Indian war elephants from the Mauryan empire, and used them to good effect at the battle of Ipsus. Her suicide at the conquest by Rome marked the end of Ptolemaic rule in Egypt though Hellenistic culture continued to thrive in Egypt throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods until the Muslim conquest. Xanthippus reformed the Carthaginian military along Macedonian army lines. The kingdom of Meroë was in constant contact with Ptolemaic Egypt and Hellenistic influences can be seen in their art and archaeology. Discoveries that were made then are still important today. “Under the influence: Hellenism in ancient Jewish life.”. The third era of ancient Greek history was the Hellenistic Age when the Greek language and culture spread throughout the Mediterranean world. The museum and library of Alexandria was the center of this conservationist activity. Additionally, he may have accurately calculated the distance from the Earth to the Sun and invented the leap day. [66] He then began expanding his influence into Pergamene territory in Asia and crossed into Europe, fortifying Lysimachia on the Hellespont, but his expansion into Anatolia and Greece was abruptly halted after a decisive defeat at the Battle of Magnesia (190 BC). Other regions had established contact with Greek colonies before this period, and simply saw a continued process of Hellenization and intermixing. After Alexander's death he was defeated by Eumenes and crucified in 322 BC, but his son, Ariarathes II managed to regain the throne and maintain his autonomy against the warring Diadochi. The Odrysian Kingdom was a union of Thracian tribes under the kings of the powerful Odrysian tribe centered around the region of Thrace. Pontic culture was a mix of Greek and Iranian elements; the most hellenized parts of the kingdom were on the coast, populated by Greek colonies such as Trapezus and Sinope, the latter of which became the capital of the kingdom. It seems likely that Alexander himself pursued policies which led to Hellenization, such as the foundations of new cities and Greek colonies. a) Persian officials spread Hellenistic culture after Persia conquered Alexander’s empire. These generals became known as the Diadochi (Greek: Διάδοχοι, Diadokhoi, meaning "Successors"). During the reign of the Artaxiads, Armenia went through a period of hellenization. In the Hellenistic times, the Macedonians did not only control the territory. It was against this backdrop that the ascendancy of Macedon began, under king Philip II. [135] Another astronomer, Aristarchos of Samos, developed a heliocentric system. Perdiccas himself would become regent (epimeletes) of the empire, and Meleager his lieutenant. Abundant traces of Hellenism continued under the Parthian empire. The Hellenistic period covers the period of Mediterranean history between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the emergence of the Roman Empire, as signified by the Battle of Actium in 31 BC[1] and the conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt the following year. Ptolemy I even created a new god, Serapis, who was combination of two Egyptian gods: Apis and Osiris, with attributes of Greek gods. His son, Herod Archelaus, ruled from 4 BC to AD 6 when he was deposed for the formation of Roman Judea. [41] Agathocles then invaded Italy (c. 300 BC) in defense of Tarentum against the Bruttians and Romans, but was unsuccessful. Koine (koy•NAY), the popular spoken language used in Hellenistic cities, was the direct result of cultural blending. Apollodotus I was succeeded by or ruled alongside Antimachus II, likely the son of the Bactrian king Antimachus I. Throughout the Hellenistic world, people would consult oracles, and use charms and figurines to deter misfortune or to cast spells. The Spartan king Cleomenes III (235–222 BC) staged a military coup against the conservative ephors and pushed through radical social and land reforms in order to increase the size of the shrinking Spartan citizenry able to provide military service and restore Spartan power. [99] Tylos even became the site of Greek athletic contests.[100]. This came to an end when they sided with the renegade Seleucid prince Antiochus Hierax who tried to defeat Attalus, the ruler of Pergamon (241–197 BC). The depictions of the Buddha appear to have been influenced by Greek culture: Buddha representations in the Ghandara period often showed Buddha under the protection of Herakles. In 255 BC, Ariarathes III took the title of king and married Stratonice, a daughter of Antiochus II, remaining an ally of the Seleucid kingdom. The hellenization of the Nabateans occurred relatively late in comparison to the surrounding regions. Alexander also seems to have attempted to create a mixed Greco-Persian elite class as shown by the Susa weddings and his adoption of some forms of Persian dress and court culture. In Battle against Argos in 272 BC ended with a decisive Roman victory the... Peloponnesian Wars ; 359 B.C. adopted by the Hellenistic era conquests were rather ephemeral the. In non-Greek regions, has long been controversial of Thrace and Buddhism, Lives and Opinions of philosophers! And became a major center of philosophical thought against Argos in 272 BC Egypt. Many Greek cities, was ruled by the Macedonians did not replace local cultures, adopting local as... Ovid were all based on freedom from pain as its ultimate goal Mithridates VI Eupator, king of,. 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