They don’t need to be sitting directly in front of the window, but should still be no more than two or three feet away from it. As with most houseplants, you’ll want to use pots with drainage holes for your Alocasias. This goes for indoors as well. A variety of diseases including crown, stem, and root rot, Leaf Spot, and Xanthamonas are particularly common with alocasia plants. Not all plants go dormant, but some examples are Alocasias and Oxalis. They’ve evolved to do this because they’re from … The care that Alocasia needs during the winter varies depending on the climate. The rapid leaf growth will be quite diminished and the plant will likely remain as-is throughout the season. Propagating Alocasia plants is easy! They thrive in very humid environments. Common pests of the Alocasia plants are mealy bugs, scale, aphids, and spider mites. Your Golden Alocasia will go through a dormant period when light levels and temperatures are reduced in the winter months. After all, even though the species likes its soil lightly moist, excess water still needs to be able to drain. Don’t let things drop below 15°C (or 60°F) in order to prevent issues. Each new leaf may be twice the size of the previous week. For example, tropical plants go dormant when the rainy season ends, since there is no true winter in their native environment. While some people seem to have great success, others think the species is a bit of a diva. Like all aroids, Alocasias flower with a typical spathe and spadix, but the flower is usually unremarkable and can even be slightly vulgar. The complete guide to Alocasia care should prove […], […] Alocasia amazonica alive and happy! Alternatively, you could try putting your plants on pebble trays half filled with water. Jon VanZile is a Master Gardener and the author of "Houseplants for a Healthy Home. Also, it's best to divide the rhizome annually to keep the plant a manageable size and increase your collection. … If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, an east-facing window is probably the ideal spot for your Alocasia. Ideally, the temperature should be room temperature or up (around 21 °C/70 °F). One of the most common things you’ll deal with when taking care of Alocasia plants are drooping leaves. The piercing mouths of … Plants will occasionally, … How often you water your plants will depend on a lot of different factors, like humidity and how much sunlight they get. So if you’re taking care of Alocasia plants, be sure to keep them away from children and pets! Cut off a piece of the underground rhizome and pot it up separately, then keep it warm and moist until new growth begins. Diseases can be prevented by avoiding over-watering, keeping the leaves dry, and providing proper air circulation around and near the plant. To encourage your cactus to go dormant, you need to reduce your feeding schedule to make it less. Tip: Seriously, don’t let the temperature drop too low. Zones: 8-10. It can cause pain and swelling to the mouth, lips, and tongue, as well as difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, and vomiting, if ingested. Amazon offers many species of Alocasia. , […] In need of some more Alocasia care info to ensure your new plants thrive? Growing Information . For more information about propagating your Alocasia, head over to the Alocasia propagation guide. When the days shorten with the autumn and approach of winter, some of the more unusual alocasias decide its not enough light and go dormant. Once the plant is in its dormant period (in the late fall and winter), it will begin resting. Alocasia plants are primarily hybridized because of the appeal of their leaf form, color, and sizes. Keep all species warm, moist, and humid. If you don’t want to waste your time bouncing from store to store with no success, try buying your Alocasia online! All Right Reserved. Temp: below 45F plant may go dormant In warmer climates or indoors, for instance, Alocasia goes through a dormant period, according to Greenery … This can help with your own health as well, since very dry air can irritate our sinuses and cause other annoying health issues. These products will kill the pests and their eggs. It may take some trial and error while tweaking your Alocasia care to find out exactly why the leaves are drooping. Alocasia plants prefer warm temperatures between 60°-80°F (15.6°-26.7°C). so keeping it out below that will def induce dormancy" Neither the baby nor momma have ever been outside. One thing you may not know when it comes to Alocasia care is that it’s considered to be an invasive species because of how aggressively some variations grow, especially when used in outdoor gardens. Keep Alocasia plants moist all year; they are water-loving plants. Even with a shorter growing season in northern climates, these plants can have rapid growth. Thankfully, these little buggers are less likely to be an issue if you have high humidity and wipe down the leaves on a regular basis. Here's How to Care for Your Plants When They Go Dormant in Winter. Although most tolerate temperatures as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit, they’ll go dormant below 45 degrees or with a frost. The Alocasia likes to be comfortably warm, so keep it at an average room temperature between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Do Inside Bonsai Go Dormant? There are about 70 species of Alocasia, as well as dozens of hybrids. They can easily give you the visual impact of flowers while only being foliage plants. In the warm summer months of the growing season, alocasia can produce a new leaf every week. Soil: Moist, but well-drained and organically rich. The African Mask Plant & other Alocasias can reach 4-6′. Place your cactus strategically . In the wild, Alocasia plants are mostly native to southeast Asia, where they grow in (sub)tropical areas. Try to let the top few inches of soil become nearly dry before watering. Alocasia grows well in big pots; they can thrive in the summertime and then be brought indoors in the winter. Keep the plant away from children and pets and call poison control, your doctor, or vet if a person or animal ingests the plant leaves. The alocasias I grow are in the garden, or just overwintering in the house until I get them planted in the year in spring (assuming they make it). Most Alocasia plants can be propagated by clump or rhizome division. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If your Alocasia is kept below 60 degrees it can go dormant … Since they come from the tropics and subtropics, Alocasia plants won’t respond well to being cold. Some species are considered invasive, especially along the Gulf Coast in the U.S. Polka dot plant propagation | In water or... Propagating arrowhead plant | In water or soil! Found on forest floors, they grow a lot larger in their natural habitat than in our home, with some species reaching massive adult sizes. And as if their natural wasn’t enough, nowadays there are also many different man-made cultivars and varieties of Alocasia out there. Keep them away from cold drafts from windows, doors, and air conditioning. Outside plant dormancy is brought on by annual environmental changes. Continue to care for it, and the rapid growth will return the following growing season. You will … Scale, mealybugs, and spider mites occur frequently in indoor conditions. It’s important to take this extra step since too much sun can scorch Alocasia’s delicate leaves. But be sure that alocasias drain quickly; do not allow them to stand in water. Is alocasia an indoor plant, then? The efficacy of misting houseplants is debated but you can always give it a go. I’m in zone 7, so I’m planning to bring some of them indoors (specifically Alocasia polly, which I’ll discuss in a bit) before frost. Don’t water frequently but rather do it possibly once a month. A window with good sunlight is best; a halide or LED grow light will work too. They require less water during the winter months because the plant is dormant. During the summer, you may need to water once or twice a week. Alocasia varieties are sometimes considered ‘divas’ that can be difficult to keep alive, but is it really that bad? Height: 2 to 4 feet. They don't necessarily have to sit in front of a window when dormant, but they should be kept cool and away from too much artificial light to avoid bringing them out of dormancy prematurely. To raise the humidity around your plant, place it on a tray filled with pebbles and then add water until it rises to just below the bottom of the pot. Alocasia plants aren’t demanding when it comes to fertilizing, even when they are in peak growing condition. You may even want to wear gloves yourself when repotting and handling your plant. Sort of like a mini jungle inside your home! Alternatively, if you can’t quite place the plant in a spot that gets enough light, you can try supplementing with artificial lighting. Dragon Scale Alocasia is one of the larger Alocasia varieties and will grow upwards of 6-feet in height under optimum growing conditions. Problems with Calathea | Yellow leaves, curling, drooping... Propagating Alocasia | Full Alocasia propagation guide | Houseplant Central, Alocasia polly & Alocasia amazonica | African mask plant care | Houseplant Central, 9 houseplants that don't need sun | Houseplant Central, Chinese money plant care & info | Pilea peperomioides. In the winter, you can let the top 1 or 2 inches of the soil dry out before watering since your Alocasia most likely will not be in all-out growing mode. If your Alocasia Frydek, or any Alocasia for that matter, is stressed, it may go completely dormant. Very rarely, there will be extreme swelling of the upper airway, making it difficult to breathe. Caring for your Cactus Indoors in Winter 1. These care guidelines can also be applied to other very similar Alocasia cultivars, such as Alocasia […], […] learn more about this beautiful genus be sure to have a look at the guides on Alocasia care and Alocasia […]. Other Alocasia cultivars and species, like the coveted Alocasia ‘Stingray’ and the unusual Alocasia cuprea, can still be tricky to find. Leaf color tends to be better among plants that grow best with more light. During the winter, especially if the plants are slow growing, you may only need to fertilize once a month. If you've got the space indoors to do so, bring them inside in a pot and let them do their thing. These plants become dormant with prolonged exposure to temperatures below 60°F (15.6°C) and may drop all of their leaves. Some of the others I will try to store the bulbs (tuberous rhizomes) indoors … They are hardy when planted … This plant not only loves humidity … Although they will tolerate being repotted during the fall or winter, most houseplants do best when handled in the spring. How to propagate string of hearts | Ceropegia... Brown tips on spider plant: Causes & solutions. "they usually go dormant when temps drops below 65F. ... With temperatures this cold, however, the leaves will still be damaged by frost and it will eventually go dormant during winter – however, so long as the tuber survives, the plant will come back bigger and better every spring. ALOCASIAS GOING DORMANT. Tip: If the air is still too dry after taking the above measures, you may want to consider just getting a humidifier (without scented additives). Gingers are sturdy and will grow year round, though they will go partially dormant over the winter indoors… However, … Growth Rate. Moderate if all conditions are to its liking. If you do notice your Alocasia outgrowing its pot, you can repot in the spring. Their worldwide popularity is due to the large, unusual leaves and attractive colors. While quite striking, these plants can be quite sensitive. Since the environment inside is essentially the same year-round, inside plants often do not go dormant. Avoid drafty areas and single paned windows: if the plants get too cold, the leaves can die off or they may go dormant. If an infestation does occur, use an ultra-fine insecticide oil or Neem Oil. You can help with humidity by grouping a bunch of plants together to take advantage of the humidity created as they transpire. You can use a peat-based soil, though be sure to mix it with perlite and/or some bark chips to keep the soil loose for good drainage and aeration. When taking care of Alocasia plants, keep in mind that they don’t just like moist soil. @2015 - PenciDesign. Tip! Since they come from the tropics and subtropics, Alocasia plants won’t respond well to being cold. Most plants when brought inside to different conditions will go dormant for a while until they are used to indoor conditions. These plants do best when kept in a kitchen or bathroom since these tend to be the most humid rooms in an average house. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Will go dormant … If you decide to move some of your indoor Alocasia plants outdoors, be sure to check with local regulations first (especially if you’re in the U.S.) and do your best to contain them. Needs vary from shade to full sunlight, depending on the variety. This should generally wake it back up. They detest the cold and will protest with yellowing leaves and start to go dormant. Drooping can be a sign of under- or overwatering, too little or too much sunlight, low humidity, and low temperature. Back to Alocasias page 2. If it is consistently below the 50-55F range, it’ll start going dormant and you will … If a human or pet chews or bites into the leaves, they will release the crystals which can cause swelling and irritation of the mouth and GI tract. These plants don’t mind feeling a bit cramped, so there’s no need to repot them every year. The Alocasia is a very poisonous plant; the leaves contain insoluble oxalate crystals. Some Alocasias go into dormancy when it gets too chilly, dropping (almost) all of their foliage. Description. Alocasia grows from rhizomes in the ground, and the best method of alocasia plant propagation involves splitting up these rhizomes. Soggy soil makes the plant susceptible to many fungal infections. To help keep moisture in the soil, try to stick with plastic or ceramic pots since clay is porous and breathes out moisture. Keep reading for everything you need to know about care for Alocasia and growing these amazing houseplants in your own home. They have colorful veins and a variety of textures from thick, waxy, slick, and glossy. Plant in loose, well-drained potting mix or a crumbly loamy soil. Caladiums have almost unparalleled foliage and they can make showy houseplants. If you’re not a fan of using peat, since its sustainability as a resource is debatable, you can opt for using coco coir instead. Oh, and some plants go dormant in summer, like the cyclamen I mentioned before. Once the plant is in its dormant period (in the late fall and winter), it will begin resting. Repot Alocasia varieties annually into larger pots with fresh, free-draining potting soil. As mentioned, it is advisable to bring your cactus indoors … They flower in the winter and sleep throughout the summer. Remove the foliage when the leaves turn yellow and die back as the plant slips into dormancy. And you know us; we're always looking to add that feel to our homes. Suitable as an indoor and container plant. If not killed early on, these small pests proliferate and move all along frond parts into nooks and crannies. According to the ASPCA, Alocasia is toxic to cats and dogs, as well as people and other animals, because of the crystals of insoluble calcium oxalates along the leaves. If you have any more questions about care for Alocasia or if you want to share your own experiences with this beautiful houseplant genus, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! Grown for its striking foliage, the African mask plant is not an easy care houseplant. Some just stop growing, others completely lose all their leaves. This will help keep the plant dust-free. You may only need to water once a week or every 10 days during the cooler months, but don’t let the soil go too dry for too long or the plants will struggle. Anyway, I found some culture information concerning Alocasia amazonica and hybrids that may be of some help to you, from Agri-Starts. Alocasia Macrorrhiza "Stingray" A. macrorrhiza "Stingray" has the mottled and distinct looking stems as well as the slender and taller appearance of A. zebrina.However it looses both the arrowhead shaped … Tropical plants in the Alocasia genus feature stunning foliage that can become the centerpiece of a garden or room. Avoid drafts and keep it away from air conditioning units and vents. If you have children or pets, you may want to avoid these plants as the leaves are toxic to humans and animals. By using The Spruce, you accept our, Size ranges based on variety from 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide, Amazon Elephant's Ear Plant Profile (African Mask). There are mixed feelings about how difficult it is to take care of Alocasia plants. This can happen if you let your soil go dry for long periods of … During dormancy, keep your Alocasia in a warmer spot in your home and reduce the watering but do not allow it to completely dry out. They need to be kept in normal indoor temperatures between 60ºF (15ºC) to 82ºF (28ºC). If I do have the cultivar Polly, then it’ll max out around 2′. Some varieties will die back during colder weather and resprout from the rhizome. Exposure: Part shade/full shade. Continue to care for it, and the rapid growth will return the following growing season. In the right conditions, they can grow very fast, but they are also sensitive plants. Spread: 1 to 4 feet. Even though Polly is sold in almost … Ask the grower if the plant is sun-trained. I thought it needed to go dormant, so this summer, I stopped watering it when it started to yellow, and I thought … Avoid drafty areas and single paned windows: if the plants get too cold, the leaves can die off or they may go dormant. The rapid leaf growth will be quite diminshed and the plant will likely remain as-is throughout the season. Most Alocasia species will do all right in shade, but they often appreciate slightly brighter filtered sunlight. Signs of diseases are typically black or dark brown spots on the leaves and a yellowish rim around the spots. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign, Alocasia ‘Polly’ and Alocasia ‘Amazonica’. Kris plant, elephant’s ear, African mask plant. The bigger ones can be trained to handle the full tropical sun. This will help keep it evenly moist. Bi-weekly to monthly applications of a general all-purpose liquid fertilizer (diluted with water to be half or quarter strength) during spring, summer, and fall is all they need. They need plenty of humidity in the air as well. If all you have to offer is a window that receives direct sunlight, you can filter the light by using sheer curtains or blinds. Some include: Additionally, the plant has been extensively hybridized. Fill the pot about three-quarters of the way with … Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. I grew both the baby and momma … Note that not all Alocasias will go dormant, depending on your location and the variety (some varieties are … Feed with liquid fertilizer during the growing season or frequent, small applications of granule fertilizer. A greenhouse is the ideal spot for an Alocasia but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow it in your home as well. … If you’re a foliage fanatic, chances are you’re a fan of Alocasia. There are over 50 species of the Kris plant and Alocasia hybrids abound, making it difficult to identify the exact genetic history of the plants typically sold in catalogs and stores. Trim away falling leaves. Keep it cold long enough, and you will have to start planning a funeral. Learn how your comment data is processed. Alocasias will start to suffer below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Alocasias will thrive in an environment with bright, indirect light. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. Propagation of alocasia should be done in spring or … Alocasias can be heavy feeders, especially large specimens. For indoor growing, plant the tuber in a large pot (14- to 20-inches), and get an extra large one if you want your plant to become truly monstrous. I'm not a cyclamen expert, but I had this same concern with a cyclamen I grew from seed. After all, in their natural habitat, taller trees would block out the harshest rays of the sun. If this happens, place the plant in a cozy and warm spot with plenty of light and keep the soil nice and moist. The leaf shapes can vary from slim arrowheads to wide heart-shaped leaves. Move them indoors and store the dormant bulbs in a cool, frost-free area. These plants aren’t too demanding when it comes to soil as long as it is moist. You may need to water more frequently due to the dry heat in the … During your regular Alocasia care routine, just cut the rhizome and plant the cuttings during spring or summer. Leaves range in size from 4 to 6-inches. Spider mites are a pest that you’ll have to watch out for during your regular Alocasia care routine. Natives of tropical America, Xanthosoma plants like very … Every few weeks, you can spray the plant with warm soapy water to prevent these pests. The Alocasia zebrina doesn’t tolerate cold; even a slight chill is likely to cause leaf loss. The genus Alocasia contains 79 plants, many of which can be grown in the home. ", The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Check with your local municipality if you have concerns prior to planting this species outdoors. Alocasia ‘Polly’ and Alocasia ‘Amazonica’, two man-made cultivars, seem to be growing in popularity at local stores and nurseries. This is one of the reasons that this species is often labeled as a diva, since they really won’t thrive very well in dry environments. You want to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. You can avoid this by making sure your plant doesn't 'notice' it's winter. Look for a window or a balcony that receives a good amount of light during most of the day. There is a fine line with these plants. While alocasia may look similar to their cousins colocasia, or elephant ear plant, colocasia have edible roots and are … Be sure to keep an Alocasia … Containing many beautiful species ranging from the tiny Alocasia ‘Polly’ to the gigantic Alocasia macrorrhizos, this genus really brings the tropics into your home. They have large, arrow-shaped and paper-thin leaves that come in a striking array of colors and patterns. A mass of caladium is an explosion of whites, greens, reds, and pinks that are mottled, veined, and striped. They can be propagated during fall and winter, but the survival rate for the new plants will be lower. Yes. Since Alocasia plants are naturally found on the forest floor, they thrive best in bright but indirect, dappled light. Just like with other houseplants, the drooping leaves can be caused by any number of things. Amazonica and hybrids that may be twice the size of the appeal of their foliage trained to handle the tropical! Varieties of Alocasia plants are mealy bugs, Scale, aphids, and air conditioning heart-shaped leaves Neem... May go completely dormant, especially along the Gulf Coast in the air as as! Amazing houseplants in your own home in almost … Here 's how to care it... And Move all along frond parts into nooks and crannies up separately, then keep warm. Polly is sold in almost … Here 's how to propagate string of hearts | Ceropegia... Brown on... 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